Airport +Bangtan=chaos

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Alex POV

Zane's cuddles definitely lived up to the hype, but by the next month I needed more than my bestie cuddles. We have been following the new protocol rules and so far, I'm in the zone. It took about two weeks for the fandom to calm down after mine and Jimins photo.

We are all packed up and leaving for the airport today. The first concert and two tv interviews are in LA. Between security and I, we loaded everyone's bags in the trunk, I've taken ownership of Joons passport, and we stepped into the cars.

On the way there, I remind the guys to just push forward. This is the first tour in two years, so we will have lots of fans and paparazzi waiting for us. Poor Taylor has been prepping for a nightmare and coming up with so many plans to protect the guys. The latest is a circle of security with them in the middle, effectively creating a wall that hopefully keeps them out of sight. It's also been decided, I will be part of the wall doing my best to blend in. I'm located right between Taylor and his first assistant guard.

Leaving the luggage to the other assistants, we take formation, inhaling deep breaths and power on. Before long, we hit the sea of people and have to begin to push our way through.

"Move out of the way!!"

"Step back, clear the area!"

I hear these words being shouted and lost in a group of photographers and fans crushing in on the group. I'm staying in formation with the security guards and the managers are coming up from behind. We have practiced this often to make sure there are no gaps. I'm wearing a matching pair of black sweats, my long brown hair tied and buried under a ball cap. Trying to blend in and not be outed as the Jimin photo female with the group again, when all of a sudden two girls realized I was smaller than the rest and decided to rush me. In doing so, they knock me over, causing my hat to go flying off and my hair falling down. Everything seems to freeze for mere seconds before I am grabbed by one of the members and pulled in tightly to the guys. I can now hear screaming about a girl in the group surrounding us and see the disappointment on the guards faces, knowing the backlash from the fans is coming. I think to myself how in the hell did I wind up here again?

Before I know it, someone had grabbed my arm and yanked me away from Hobi. Horror written across his face, he tries to come for me, but soon I'm lost in the sea of fans. I can hear Taylor shouting to keep moving, the fear very present in his voice.

I try to regain my balance and move on, when I am definitely recognized. They start tugging on me and shouting hateful spews. I cover my ears to try and squash the panic that is rising, when all of a sudden I am picked up into a set of arms and the person takes off in a dead run.

Shouting, "hands off my bestie you bitches" I look up and see Zane's face. He looks back down at me while running, saying over and over, "Breath darling, I've got you my love, just breathe."

Still feeling like I can't breath, I try to take his advice, but seeing the gaggle of girls chasing us, I begin to panic even more. Zane notices this and curses out loud before pushing himself to run even faster. I can barely hear him say, "no, don't you dare pass out on me" before darkness takes over.

Hoseok's POV

We enter the airport and see the mass of people waiting. It's three times the amount than normal and I can see Lee-Min and the rest of our security detail get nervous. I know they have multiple plans in place, but I don't think they were expecting this amount of people. We are moving along, pressed in tightly and my eyes roam toward Alex. I wonder how she is feeling taking all this in and trying her best to blend.

All of a sudden, I hear Yoongi curse next to me and we see a group of girls rush directly toward Alex. Knocked over, I reach out to catch her and watch as her hat hits the ground. Instantly, the fans are shouting in anger and I pull Alex close to me, holding tight.

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