Waiting time

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Alex POV

I wake up the next morning, hot and feeling something heavy laying fully on me. I turn my head to see, and notice Hobi is still sound asleep, body flush with mine, trapping me in his arms. Letting out a sigh, I need to get up and happen to notice the time on the alarm clock. Realizing we have 45 minutes to make it to the airport, I shout at Hobi to wake up, scaring him.

"Hobi, we have to go. Omg; we are so late!!" I say scrambling around.

"I'm glad we packed yesterday afternoon, let's change and get going." Hobi says

"No time. We have to check in for the flight in 20 minutes and it will take us every bit of 20 minutes to get there. We can change when we land home." I say grabbing our stuff.

We rush downstairs and load into his parents car. We arrive in the nick of time and get checked in. We sent out bags forward to load onto the plane and his parents follow us to the gate. After giving goodbyes and hugs to Hobi, his mom gathers me up and says, "Give him a chance. I look forward to having a daughter in law like you."

I pull back and say, "it's not like that."

She smiles at me before saying, "I see how you watch my son, and how he looks at you. My son loves you, have no doubt about that."

She places her hand on my cheek and kisses it. Wishing me well, they bid us farewell and we head off to board onto the plane.

"What did mom say to you?" Hobi asks

"Hmm, oh nothing. She was just thanking me for bringing you for a visit." I answer offhandedly

Hobi looks at me and starts to laugh,"the boys are going to die in cuteness when they see you!! Wait, let me take pictures and send it to the group chat!"

I look down and realized both I'm still dressed in a hanbok, but that his family jewelry and hair pieces are still on me. "Oh, hobi! I need to make sure to send this comb and necklace back to your mom."

He steps forward to take a closer look at them and lets out a hum. "Nope, she intended for you to have those. Hang on to them, keep them safe, but definitely hang on to them."

Confused I asked what he means, but he shakes his head with a smile and starts responding to messages on his phone. Finally getting it back this morning, he is catching up on everything.

Arriving back in Seoul, we agreed to go to the car separately. There is a security guard waiting for Hobi, and Taylor waiting for me. Agreeing to meet in the car, I watch as Hobi and his guard walk off. Taylor and I take a seat waiting 20 minutes before heading in the same direction. Laughing, Taylor comments on my choice of clothing, and snaps a picture to send to Zane before turning toward me.

"How are you?" Taylor asks looking at me

"Confused, just confused." I answer

"Wanna talk about it?" He asks

"Not here, too many ears and eyes, but is Zane off a couple of days this week?" I inquired

"Yes, he has Thursday and Friday off. Why?" Taylor asks

"I need some best friend time. Bang told me I could pick 2 days to take off once Hobi and I got back. I just really need Zane." I say desperately

Taylor stares at me and wraps his arm around my waist. Laying my head on his shoulder, I let myself relax in his arms and sigh at the feeling of home.

Returning back at the dorm, the guys excitedly meet us at the door. They are jumping around Hobi and checking on him. I smile at the chaos and start to head towards my room. Getting stopped, I look down and see Yoongi tugging on my sleeve.

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