the middle of nowhere.

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We gathered to talk about tacos death. Pickle was.. he looked like someone snatched his soul and his corpse was left there. Trophy and knife were already arguing, the other bright lights were actually talking about it, and most of the other objects were just shocked, most of the new contestants were just confused, since they didn't ever meet or ever know taco.. like how most of us others knew her. Especially pickle. I feel bad honestly.. but we can't be sure if it was an accident or.. someone actually murdered and.. ate her.

"So. I think I'll start off the conversation.. me and lightbulb were just hanging out, and at about 5:47AM, When we heard someone scream. I'm pretty sure it was mic, since the scream was extremely loud. Im surprised nobody came to the scene, but knowing mic, she screams a lot, so nobody came. Me and lightbulb went to go and investigate what happened, and I saw the corpse before lightbulb saw it. Taco had been murdered, then eaten. Lightbulb saw it right after me, and I had ran off. I can't handle the sight of corpses, so I ran off, and vomited." Paintbrush looked at me, clear that they knew that i didn't do anything. Which, I didn't. I wouldn't ever.. kill.. Someone.

"How do we know it wasn't Mic? I know Mic had connections with Taco." Knife stared at Paintbrush, and stepped closer to them.

"Mic was the one who screamed, and plus, Soap was at the scene too. It's impossible, since the corpse was only left there for about an hour, knowing mic, if she tried to wash off the blood on her hands she would end up dead herself." Paintbrush sounded ticked off, and I could hear the small sound of hissing.

"He.. He has a point.. I did have connections with Taco but.. I wouldn't ever kill someone. That's something she would do.. and I know she wouldn't.. you know.." Mic looked guilty, he'll. They even sounded guilty.. but I know she wouldn't do that. They aren't a murder.

"Who else had connections with Taco? I think it was Pickle and OJ. But, knowing pickle he wouldn't kill her. He wouldn't.. since they were on good terms for so long. So that leaves OJ. Where were you at 4AM to 5AM, OJ?"

"I was looking for Paper. He said he had gotten lost in the forest and needed some help." OJ looked extremely serious. He started directly at me. "Isn't that right, Paper?"

"Y-yeah but I wasn't exactly lost... I was stuck." Paper looked a bit guilty, but I know it wasn't him. He always sounded and looked guilty under pressure. Wonder why?

"Well, who else does that leave painty?"

"Nobody. Your all free to go.. but I need a few people to stay on watch. Since this murder we need to make sure nobody can get hur-"

A loud shatter was heard from somewhere. Everybody was here except.. mephone. This can't be good.

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