OJ's hotel, then the lab. again.

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Me and Test Tube ran to paintbrush, who was still passed out. Their arm was in terrible condition.. I even saw some blood. Knife had messed them up.. bad.

"This- This is all your fault knife!" Test Tube pointed at Knife, and Hissed at him.

"I know, I know. Im succchhh a bad guy." He looked at me.. and punched his hand to show that.. he's gonna beat.. me up? Why would he?

"Lightbulb. Do this shit again where you make ME look like the bad guy.. make yourself the victim and ill fucking kill your-" Knife was then cut off by Trophy.

"Of course.. your gonna attack someone who is weaker than you! Wow, it's great to see your becoming more of a Jock than a Jerk! Kind of making me want to show the photo.." He went to pull a photo from behind him, when Knife stopped him.

"I- uh- nevermind. I um- apologize. Lightbulb." He definitely sounded so sorry. Knife was always an asshole.. to everyone. Except Pickle. It's nice to know he has atleast one friend.

"I-its fine. Now I'm going to actually HELP Painty!" I picked up Painty and ran with Test Tube to her lab. Painty woke up mid-way.. from the amount of shaking from me running. They looked at me.. and blushed. OH MY GOD THEY BLUSHED OVER ME HOLDING THEM-??! OMG OMG-

"Lightbulb- come on! Painty is waking up and we don't want them to be in any more pai-" Test Tube was then cut off by Paintbrush.

"Im.. already up. This.. it hurts. A lot." Painty was clearly fine everywhere else but their arm. I'm sure they'll be ok in awhile.


When we had made it to Test Tubes lab, I set down Paintbrush on a little bed-Table thingy. Test Tube bandaged them up, made sure they were ok, then left. Before TT used the 'secret' exit, They told me this.

"Keep an eye on Paintbrush, I'm gonna make sure if anyone else gets hurt, I'll be there to help." Test Tube shot a smile at me, so I did too.

Test Tube left, and it was just me and Painty. They extended their hand to me, and I held their hand. Oh my god. I'm holding their hand.

"Your a great friend.. lightbulb. Do you think that uh- we could be uh- more- than friends..?" Painty looked at me, they looked extremely flustered.

"Like best friends?"

"I gues-" I cut them off.

"Im kidding. I know what you mean." And then I hugged them. Then they hugged me back.. but with one arm. Of course.

"Sorry I can't give you a full hug." They sounded upset.
"It's ok! I understand! Ily!!" I shot a big goofy smile at them.
"I love you too.. lightbulb." They smiled back at me.

(Authors note. I ship lightbrush, yes. This fic is gonna contain FLUFF of it. Aka, just wholesome stuff. It's very implied in the show, so it's gonna be here. I'm not gonna do any nasty stuff with it though, since it makes me extremely uncomfortable. /srs)

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