im still here.

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They eventually walked off and left me there.
I eventually passed out after awhile.

"Lightbulb. Lightbulb please. No. No I cant- I can't lose you too-" I heard fan trying to wake me up.


"OH THANK GOD-" He hugged me aggressively, and I hugged back. Kind of. Considering i only have one arm now.

"I- I thought you were-" I cut him off.


"Yeah.. I was just really worried." He smiled at me, awkwardly.

"Im ok. You don't have to worry."

"Well uh, Lightbulb.. what uh, what happened exactly..? Your all.. uh.. beat up." He looked awkward just saying it.

"Well.. paintbrush went nuts..  like evil paper level nuts."

"How?" He looked at me confused.

"Im not sure. But they uh.. hurt me. Bad. As you can clearly see. And uh.. since test tube is dead.. I cant get help. I'm stuck like this."

"I can help lightbulb-" I cut him off, once again.

"No. I've got it. Im ok. You don't have to help."

I got up, somehow. Me and Fan had agreed that we were going to look for paintbrush. And expose them. somehow. Hope that doesn't lead to our deaths.

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