Forest, Then back to test tubes lab.. again.

365 3 2

"Sooo painty! I was thinking we could investigate on some murders! Maybe.." My talking slowly started to turn into blabbering. Painty started twitching. I don't understand what's wrong with them honestly. I just keep blabbering and blabbering. I don't-


I'll never see their face the same again. They looked similar to Evil Paper. Oh dear god- its going black.

They stared at me. They started cracking my neck, from how hard they were gripping my neck.


Everything faded to black.


"Huh.. im on this bed.. again."

"I'm so.. so.. so.. sorry lightbulb.. I didnt.. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You.. you hurt me- that's not what 'best friends' do painty."

"I lost myself in my anger- I didn't mean to hurt you."

They hugged me. I jerked back, shoving them off of me.

"Lightbulb i.. i.. gh- no. Im just going to go."

"Painty I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.."

They gripped my wrist, and put it over my head.

"Dont say a single thing."

Then they broke my wrist. Oh fuck. That.. hurt. So. Much. I squeaked from the pain, trying not to scream.


I punched them, and shoved them back.

"Did you just punch me? Who do you think you are. You think your so strong.. huh?"

they pulled a axe out of nowhere. Dear god.

"WELL YOUR NO- how the.. fuck fuck- lightbulb i- I'm so sorry- i-"

They covered their face, dropping the axe and running off. they ended up dropping it very close to my leg, and it ended up cutting my leg very badly.

"Ow.. ow.. ow.. t..TEST TUBE-"

"Yes lightbu- OH JEEB WEEZER! ARE YOU OK-??"


"Shit- I'll uh- jeez- I'll get some bandages."

She came back a moment later, and set the bandages down on the bed. She then picked me up, sat me down and started bandaging my leg.

"Im really tired.. test tube."

"Understandably.. you lost a lot of blood.. what happened?"

"Remember how.. paper went nuts..?"


"I think that's happening to painty."

"Wh- how..? How did they look..?"

"They looked all.. nuts. They didn't sound the same.. they didn't act the same.. and they were so strong. God.. I feel terrible.. i hope-"

I started to tear up. Test tube sighed and hugged me. I shoved my face into them, and started sobbing.

"I hope th-their ok... God I'm stuttering.. im sorry.. im so sorry.. im so worried.."

"Do you want me to ask paper to see if he can yk.. help paintbrush? Since he hasn't acted nuts like that in awhile."

"Please.. please do.. im.. Im sorry for crying."

"No. It's ok lightbulb. I know you loved them.. dearly. I know how much it hurts you to see them like this."

"I just wanna see them again.. also uhh.. they broke my wrist in the process.. can you-"

"Yes. It's ok lightbulb."

She grabbed the bandages and fixed my wrist.

"I'll go call oj. I don't have papers number, I'll be right over here."

"Alright..! Thanks for your help test tube.."

"Any time!"

And they shot a smile at me.

I shot one back.

Who? // Inanimate insanity au // Outdated, Being Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now