Paintbrushes POV, Paintbrushes room.

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Fuck.. nonono.. I hurt her again. I'm such.. why can't I see myself. I know I fucked it all up. I'm so sorry.. it wouldn't hurt if I just... drank. I havent drank in over a year. Nobody is there to care anyways. Nobody would care. Not even lightbulb.

 Not even lightbulb

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An hour later.

Fuck.. im wasted. I shouldn't.. have dranken so much.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Who could that be..?

"Hi uh- its me paper. Can you let me in please?"

"Of all people who come to visit me.. its you? Why..?"

"You've been having problems- like when I was evil. I know how to help paintbrush-"

"Go away."

"Test Tube told me to just come grab you and take you somewhere- aka her lab. She wants to talk with you."

"I said GO AWAY."

i opened the door, bottle in hand.

"Oh. That's why your acting..."

"Drunk. Yeah no shit. Fine. I'll go along. Let me grab something."

I grabbed my sketchbook, and another bottle.. just in case. My addiction is back. How great is that?

"Sighhh- come on paintbrush! We don't have all day-!"

"Shush it, before I rip you in half."

"Oh dear."

I followed him to Test Tubes lab. God, how many times are we going to go there-?!

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