The area.

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I wonder what I was brought here to do. I hope it's nothing bad.

"Lightbulb.." I heard paintbrushes voice from behind me.

"F... what do you want p-paintbrush-?"

"Loook what I have.." They stared at me. God they were terrifying. What even happened to them? They just.. started acting nuts out of nowhere.

"You- those are test tubes. Did you-"

They had a arm pack. It was basically 4 robotic arms that were extremely powerful. What were they going to do..?

"Mhm. I killed her.. how kind of that is for me? To kill someone were so close to? What do you think about that Lightbulb. It would be a pleasure to do it to you too." They looked at me, smiling. I took a step back.

"Paintbrush please-"

"Another word and you'll be a pile of glass." They looked at me, with a dead expression.

I shut my mouth immediately.

"You know, your such a bitch." They laughed at me, mocking the things I do a lot. Hell, even the things I'm interested in.

"Paintbrush why-"

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP." They shoved me onto the ground.


"IF YOU SAY ANOTHER WORD-" I cut them off.


"THATS IT!" They walked closer to me, grabbing my arm.

"Paintbrush what are you- ow. ow. OW. OW!"

They ripped my arm off. They ripped the glass off and everything. I was defenseless. I couldn't have defended myself. I would've gotten hurt worse.

"I told you to shut up." They smiled at me. The Paintbrush I knew was.. gone. God. Fuck I'm gonna cry.

And I did.

I started sobbing.

They just kept going on and on about how much of an idiot I was.

How defenseless I was.

How I'm..

A nobody.

and how they never even loved me.

Who? // Inanimate insanity au // Outdated, Being Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now