Test tubes lab, meeting area.

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I got up to see what test tube was doing, and they were testing something. As usual, so I asked them what they were testing.

"Oh- hey lightbulb! What's up?" They smiled at me, and continued working on what she was doing.

"I was gonna ask what you were doing- hey- that mixture is giving off smoke- is that normal?"

"Probably not.. when did it get so hot in here?" Test Tube started looking sick. The liquid in them started to fizz. I backed up, and they started breathing heavy.

"Lightbulb..? You ok- GAH-" Their glass started to crack.

"Test Tu-"

Their glass completely shattered, and the liquid went everywhere. It almost got on me.


they were dead. Test tube is fucking dead. I ran out, crying.

"Oh god- lightbulb are you o-" Fan asked, but I cut him off.


"Wh- how-? How did they die- nono.. how-" Fan looked upset and concerned.

"They- they were- she- was testing on something- a-and they- exploded- I don't know how- but- but I think it was the smoke the thing was testing on- god nono-"

Fan looked at me with pure confusion and concern.
He didn't know that someone so dear to them just died.
Why couldn't i have explained it better?


"Since paintbrush didn't come, again.. I'll tell you all what happened. Test tube has recently died. Yes, I know. That comes as a shocker. We all now have to watch out for ourselves, since nobody can exactly bandage us up or entirely help us. I'm going to explain who has died now, so everyone understands. All of the victims were Taco, MePhone and both co-hosts, Trophy, and now Test Tube. Keep your eyes out." Oj had given that speech. He did well but.. painty could have given it better. But you know.. people come and go.

A small group of other objects were comforting Fan. He was just in pure shock.

How come I haven't died yet? I'm the most gullible here.

Or maybe I'm just waiting to die.

That's when I got a text from a unknown number.

'Meet me in the area we always met up. You know what I mean.'

You know what? Why not. There's nothing left for me to live for.. mostly.

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