Middle of nowhere, then Test tubes 'lab'

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It was about a few days after Painty had their arm broke. Their pretty much ok now, but they still have a cast. Knife, for some reason.. gathered us all up in the forest. I went to the area, and so did the other bright lights. When we got there, it was.. silent. Too. Silent. I think someone.. died. I walked over to the area, and gasped. Trophy was dead. Someone else. Dead. He had a ripped up photo in his hand. His handles were completely dismantled. Hell, one was completely gone. He had some blood dropping out of his mouth. It was disgusting. One of his legs was entirely gone, and his face was mostly unrecognizable.

"Painty.. don't look. Trust me. I'll just tell you."

"What- what happened-?" Painty looked at me, concerned.

"Trophy is.."

They looked at me with concern.

"Trophy is dead."

"WHAT-?!" They looked at me, shocked.

"Yeah.. its all back there. Dont.. just don't look at him. It's disgusting."

"Oh my god.. it- it was knife. IT WAS KNIFE." I started hearing that hissing sound that I always hear.. before their hair goes aflame.

"Painty calm down- please."

"Oh no lightbulb. I heard everything." Knife looked at me. And he scoffed at me, too.

"Dont you even look at her, what is with you knife? First you break my arm. Now what are you gonna do. Break her arm? Break her face in? SHATTER HER?!" Their head went aflame.

"Oh no.. im so scared of you paintbrushhh!!" He shook his hands vigorously around his face, and mimicked a fake crying sound. Then he started walking towards me. I'm fucked.

I started to back up, but he kept getting closer and closer to me. That's when he shoved me. I almost shattered my head in.. but luckily all that happened was-


I started sobbing. I broke my leg. I fell directly onto it, and the bone entirely snapped in two.

"LIGHTBULB- your in trouble knife." They looked at knife, and gave him a death stare.

"What are you gonna do little paint boy?" He mocked them, and started making those fake crying sounds again.

"First of all, I'm Non-Binary. Second of all.." They grabbed his neck and started choking him. His face started turning blue, but then They got broken up by Test Tube. I'm surprised they were even able to choke him with just one arm.. their strong.. like really strong.. God I feel like I'm about to..

Pass out.


"Lightbulb. Lightbulb please.. wake up." I woke up and saw Paintbrush, Test Tube, Fan, and a few other objects staring at me. Paintbrush was holding my hand, everyone else was just watching over me.


"YOUR AWAKE OH MY GOD I THOUGHT- AHA- I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!" Painty hugged me really tight. And then 'pecked' me on the forehead. I went as red as a rose.. and hugged them back. A few small little 'aww's were heard, and then..

I heard a scoff.

"Why is.. he here?"

"Sigh. When I choked himm.. I guess I grabbed his 'neck' too hard.. and kinda cut it. Badly." They looked guilty, in a negative way. Like- apologizing for keying someone's car.. when your in reality not sorry.

"But I won't let anything happen to you."

"Of course you will paintbrush. Your soo strong." He sounded more sarcastic then ever. God, why am I being such a crybaby lately?

"I swear to God I'm going to go nuts if you say ONE MORE THING KNIFE." Paintbrush started blabbering off at Knife, as usual.. now. It seems like Trophy had been replaced by Painty as his arch nemesis.

"Golly gee will you guys SHUT UP! I can't get a second of quietness in here! Im trying to see if I can fix MePad and all I can hear is your blabbering!" Test Tube death staring at the both of them, and they both shut up.

"Paintbrush, would you like to move rooms with lightbulb.. I don't want to Hear you guys blabbering any longer." Test Tube sounded angry, but not at the same time.

"Yes! Please." Painty grabbed me up in their arms. "Where to?"

"Follow me.. don't do anything while im gone knife." Test Tube barked at Knife.

"Ok. Damn." Knife scoffed at her.


"Ok, knowing you two, I know i can't separate you, so brought this. It's an inflatable mattress! You can sleep on it Paintbrush! Orr you both can! But that's up to you two- golly! I need to go back and work on MePad. I'll be back in about an hour! Here's a clock btw, and ur phones." Test Tube shot a smile at us, and I shot one too. Paintbrush didn't though. They just set me down on the mattress.

"I uh.. would it be ok if we uh.. c-cuddled..? Or uh- something-?" Paintbrush goofily smiled at me.

"Ofc!! I love hugs!!!" I shot a smile back."

We eventually fell asleep. Later that night, I heard Paintbrush leave the room. I went to get up but.. forgot about my leg. I fell over and cracked my head.


"Shit- shit- shit- lightbulb? A-are you ok?" Test Tube ran over to the room, since I had been yelling ow. Obviously.

"Y-yeah but uh.. I cracked my head."

"Wh- how-??" Test Tube looked at me, confused.

"I slipped."

"Oh. Understandable.. here's a bandage." Test Tube handed me a bandage, from nowhere as it seems.

"Where did you get that-"

"Nobody needs to know that, haha!"

"HA ha ha.. ok!"

Painty ran back to the room, concerned.

"What happened-?? Are- are you ok-??" They looked at me, concerned about
My head.

"Yeah! I'm ok! I just cracked my head."

"Owch.. that's gotta-" I cut them off.

"Gotta hurt?"

"Haha! Yeah. You finished my sentence!" Painty smiled at me.

"I did! Wanna uh-"

"Cuddle again? Ofc!!" They smiled and jumped onto the little mattress.

(Authors note: 1000+ words omgah)

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