Chapter Twenty Five

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I was sweating bullets and Ora squeezed my hand under the table. I glanced at her and gave her a warm smile. She returned it then turned away. I caught her glimpsing at Godfrey and he winked at her. The corner of her mouth quirked up in the slightest with a grin that only I knew best.

It was the sweetest thing in the world but in a way it almost made me ache a bit. Why couldn't I have something like that too?

I stole a quiet glance towards Will and he looked ready to die of boredom. His sister however had that same face she always had on: bitchy with a hint of royal and disinterested.

Whatever she was doing was clearly working for her.

Cecilia flashed a big smile and stood next to her simple, but pretty, poster presentation. "And that is my charity project."

Everyone began to applaud and I couldn't help myself but clap too. Cecilia did a phenomenal job and I hated her for it. It hurt me to think that we used to be so close but now I couldn't stand the sight of her. For the first time in my life I actually couldn't wait until I became queen.

I was dying to kick her sorry ass out of my house.

She took her seat and flattened out her dress. The Queen touched her shoulder affectionately and smiled softly. I felt a stab of betrayal.

I thought we were working on our relationship but I'm clearly mistaken!

 Ora squeezed my hand and I let out a deep breath. I stood up, grabbing my poster board, and walked over to the stand. I kept the blanket over it and set it up. Turning around to face an entire conference room filled with royals, important advisers, and the media, I was ready to puke up Esmeralda's cookies from earlier.

Instead I steeled myself, channeled the essence of the inner confidence I knew was down there somewhere, and pressed my lips together.

"Health," I began. "Is an important thing."

I let out a deep breath and continued. "Without it we have nothing. Without health we cannot grow up to become successful, we cannot have children, and we cannot grow old with the person we love.

"Without health we lose people that are a part of us and it's almost like we die with them. Imagine watching your only sister fall ill and not have the money to pay for the treatment to make her feel better. Imagine having to watch your child succumb to cancer because you cannot afford treatment."

I examined the crowd once, purposefully avoiding Will, and continued. "You can be the richest person in the world, have all the famous friends you want, and live in a big old palace. But how can you enjoy that without being healthy? Imagine children dying in the streets because as much as their parents work them to the bone they cannot afford the health treatment they need." MY voice turned harsh but I calmed myself. "Imagine all the disease and illness right within our borders that we don't even know about. Which is why I'm proposing this."

I walked over to my display and removed the blanket. A collective gasp went through the room and instantly my knees turned to rubber. I didn't know if it was a good or bad thing. I looked to Ora for help but she encouraged me on. I cleared my throat.

"I want to set up a medical system in Illea. I want to rebuild the hospitals and set up a form of medical care in which people don't have to pay for treatment, regardless of their financial situation." It was a topic close to home seeing as how my father nearly died and if it weren't for the palace I'd be drowning in medical bills. "I don't ever want to see another family suffer again because they cannot afford the treatment they need to get better."

I let out a deep breath and continued from there.




Wow guys! Only 25 more chapters left until this adventure with you is over!

I'm going to cry I love you so much!

I know I've been busy lately but I just wanted to take the time out for something that is really important to me. I read every single one of your comments, messages, and IG posts that you tag me (btw if you need to find me i'm @that_fangirl_life_is_real) you all make me want to cry.

For someone to tell you that you're writing, the silly stories in your head, have inspired them to write and do all these other incredible things is...remarkable.

I may not always have time to reply but guys I see them. All of them. And I cannot tell you how much it means to me to have your support. I love you, truly, and deeply. You have my heart.

(AHHHH see what I did there wink wink)

It's crazy to think Wilessandra/Wilessa's adventure is so close to an end. I write this in my spare time and it's literally just scraps and not my best work. But you guys have stuck it out with me through 8 months and 3 books.

There are no readers out there better than mine. I just wanted to take the time out to say thank you and that I appreciate everyone of you. Even the ones that never comment, but only vote, I see you and love you too.

I considered making an IG account for this series what do you think? Would any of you follow? If 100 people highlight this and say they will follow the account (FOR MY LOVELY FRIENDS THAT LOVE TO HIGHLIGHT ONLY COMMENT ONCE PLEASE) then I'll open an account.

I'm really sorry The Illean Lady got pushed back. I'm eager to start that series.

Again, love you guys. You do so much for me.

XOXO Lilly

You Have My Heart, Lady Illea (A Lady Illea Novel)Where stories live. Discover now