Thank You

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Last night I finished the last book in the Lady Illea trilogy. Holy crap. What a wild ride. I don't even know where to begin.

First, a huge thank you to the real Queen, Kiera Cass because I met her and she was perfect and if it weren't for her we wouldn't all be sleep deprived fanfic writers. LOVE YOU KIERA *waves*

Secondly, I want to thank some of my very first readers. I would tag you all but then I'll never get this thank you letter done. LOL. To the ones who encouraged me from the first chapter to the last one. Thank you so much. I hate reading stories on Wattpad and when I joined and first started writing Lady Illea it was meant to be a one shot, just a chapter to get a feel then move on to other things.

Then people started finding me and reading my stories and it was the most wonderful thing in the entire time. I love seeing your IG posts, you comments, and private messages. They mean the world to me.

I want to thank each and everyone of you. I love you all so much! I literally spend hours sometimes on my phone after updating a new chapter just so I can try and reply to all your comments! You're all so wonderful, encouraging, inspiring, beautiful, and intelligent people.

I couldn't ask for a better wattpad family.

Oh Allie, you've lived in my heard for far too long. It's time to pass the torch! Thank you for choosing me to be the one to tell your story. I'm so grateful.

Lastly, I'd like to thank my selection buddies Tori and Makayla, even though Hero, Delilah, and Alessandra can never cross paths I'm pretty sure they'd make one Hell of a kick ass selected girls squad. Love you guys<3

I want to give you all an update. If you like my writing I hope you follow me and stay with me! As many stories as I have stuck in my head I'm completely stuck on the Selection world because the possibilities are literally endless.

If you'd like to stay with me and continue reading my stories please head over to The Illean Lady and make the transition now. I'm going to start working on that one today.

Remember little Cal who fell and hurt his hand? Well, it's everyone's favorite time! Selection time!

I have thought about opening up a separate book of short stories because I feel like there are a lot of things that you guys would like to know about Alessa and Will that happened over the course of the 9 years between the last chapter and the epilogue. But I also like the fact that I didn't tell you guys. Even though I know what happens I want to leave it open for interpretation so you guys can have fun coming up with your happily ever after!

I wanted to tell you all something very exciting! I made an IG account for my selection stories! I thought it was a good idea and in a spare the moment I kind of thing I said YOLO and went right ahead.

Please follow: @theilleanfanfics

And if you guys ever need to send me things, edits, photos, or questions, please email me at:

I'll be holding a Q and A shortly but right now I just want to take a break and explore my new leading lady, whilst, putting together an all new cast!

There is a cover and new synopsis!

Alessa was a pretty hard character to write. She's not a die hard romantic the way I am. She kind just loves someone and that's the end of it. She doesn't make constant proclamations of love and smothers people in kisses. She's very quiet and modest about the way she loves.

That was so freaking hard for me to do.

Plus she's modest, and soft, hardworking and doesn't really complain. My new girl is a lot more like me which is easier.

I hope you all love Milada because she's the best and I can't wait for you to hear her story!

Before I go I just wanted to say something. I kindly ask that you please not use any of my characters in your own writing. It's not that I don't want you to, I think it's wonderful and I'm flattered. I just feel uncomfortable because theses characters are important to me and I feel like no one will ever get them the way I do. Plus, I don't want whatever you guys write to interfere with what I write or potential damage any future stories I have in mind.

Please respect but if you have any ideas let me know! I'm always open to suggestions.

Wow.....I can't believe this is it.

Bye Alessandra.

Bye Will.

You guys were good to me.

I love you.

XOXO Lilly

You Have My Heart, Lady Illea (A Lady Illea Novel)Where stories live. Discover now