Chapter Twelve

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"Is that all you'd like to say about the matter, Alessandra?" Gavril Jr. asked me.

I shook my head no at him.

     He nodded respecting my privacy and moved on to the second question. Inwardly I groaned. I was going to spend my entire night in front of Illea asking ridiculous questions. It's been two weeks since the incident and I long for nothing more than to just forget it ever happened. But the public demands an explanation and I have no choice to give it. If I even become princess one day I'll have to get used to this.

"I think I'll ask a more resonable question this time." Gavril continued. "Tell me, what really happened that night?"

   I started typing away at rapid speed on the small keyboard they gave me. Everything I typed turned up on the huge screen set up on stage.

  Thomas is a family friend. He's been with me for as long as I remember, and I trusted him. He told me he needed to speak to him so I followed him assuming he needed privacy.

 I hesitated a moment, reliving the memory, before i continued.

   I didn't know what was happening at first. He didn't say anything and then he kissed me. It was so unexpected, I was shocked. Lady Constance and the former Lady Beverly must have seen, called the guards, and when I pushed him away my hands were behind my back in a matter of seconds.

   When I looked out into the live audience I could see many of them were in tears maybe it was because they felt bad or maybe this was a worse story than I thought.

"And then you were being convicted?" Gavril guessed.

I nodded.

Gavril faced the camera and I noticed his light and airy personailty was overcome with a much more somber one. "Ladies and gentlemen please take a moment as we replay some of the footage."

    The footage felt like it went on for ages but in reality it must have only gone on a minute. I didn't look, in fact I covered my ears. When it was finally done Gavril asked me another question.

"How do you feel about staying in the palace?"

  A girl has to do what a girl has to do.

Gavril nodded. "I suppose that means you love the prince?"

   I opened my mouth to say something when I remembered nothing can come out. I stared at my keyboard for a moment longer, my fingers hovering over the keys, but I couldn't force myself to type anything. There was nothing to type.

Gavril sensed my discomfort and went on to other questions which I answered. Things like if I've spoken to my family, which I have, and if I knew where Thomas was which I don't. When the interview was finally over I exited the stage and Tiny was waiting for me by the exit.

"Come," she said looping her arm through mine. "You need ice cream."

I smiled at her.

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