Chapter Forty Six

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Hastily I wrapped up all my letters, not bothering to put them away and I fly out of my bedroom as fast as I can. I nearly run over Junebug in the process and I yell out that I'm sorry and she just laughs as I zoom down the hallways.

His office.

He has to be in his office.

I turn the corner and my body collides with someone else's and I fall flat on my butt.


My head shot up.

"Gees Alessandra!"

Maddy extended her hand to Vanessa and Vanessa took it getting back on her feet.

"You just get klutzier with the day don't you?"

They walked away whispering about something I didn't here and I blinked a few times. I sat dumbfounded on the floor, squeezed my eyes shut, and blinked a few times. I did not just see what I thought I saw.

I did not just see what I thought I saw.

I got myself up shaking my head a bit and I continued down the hallways. I felt a wind hit me and noticed the open windows. I heard wild giggling and one of the selected girls walked past me with Fran, one of the first eliminated, wearing dresses that sparkled like the stars outside.

I blinked a million times again. They all seemed to be heading to the main ballroom. I didn't understand. What was happening? This made no sense. I didn't...

The girl from my very first day, the one with the rainbow hair named Perri, was walking down the hallway with a girl I think whose name was either Amy or Annie. Perri winked at me as they passed by.


What the f-

It hit me like smack to my face and I was suddenly very, very wide awake. The selected girls. They're all back. I continued walking quickly down the hallways and saw all of them. I didn't remember many names, they were all just flashing faces, but I saw few I recognized.

Lots from Constance's former group of slaves from months ago and then some who didn't last longer than two weeks. Some of the elite were there also along with girls I never got to get better acquainted with. America told me something similar happened in her selection.

When Maxon proposed to me all the former competitors returned to celebrate and...

Holy. Shit.

I ran.


"Come in!"

I opened the door to Will's study and I saw him sitting at his desk. I was out of breath and I closed the door with a loud thump. He looked up at me over the rim of his reading glasses and he stood up.

"You came faster than expected," he removed his glasses and started to walk over. "I feared I'd have to call for you."

I heaved, trying to take in deep breaths, as I walked over to him. I pointed towards the door. "Am I-! Going-! Crazy-!"

He laughed.

I kept taking in deep breaths. "The selected girls! I saw-!"

Will nodded. "I know."

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