Chapter Forty Seven

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My engagement party.

MY engagement party.

This is my engagement party.

I couldn't wear my ring, my beautiful stunning ring, that was simple yet perfect and thoughtfully put together by Will. It would give it away. Will stood up at the dinner table and was prepared to make a toast.

I tried not to be annoyed.

Cecilia and I were the last girls standing and I tried my best not to let it bother me. For some reason it got underneath my skin. It was almost as if Will kept her as an insurance policy in case I decided to bounce. Well I wouldn't. I made up my mind.

I was serious and I was ready to prove it to him.

"And to my future wife!" Will said. He glanced at all the girls before raising his glass and flashing a look to me. "I cannot wait to turn the page in our story."

The King and Queen clicked glasses and they had the happiest smiles I'd ever seen, even for Eadlyn. Maybe she was reliving her selection. I never really noticed but they looked really...really....

In love.

I knew they were going to last forever.

Godfrey and Ora were giggling about something in the corner and I already knew they both had too much to drink. They disappeared and I rolled my eyes unable to stop smiling. Maxon and America were sitting together and her head was resting on his shoulder as he spoke to her. He said something. gesturing with his hands, and she burst into laughter so abrupt she almost spilled her champagne. And they just kept laughing together.

The former selected girls all really seemed to be enjoying themselves all though I found my mood dampened by the fact that Cecilia was there. I pushed all those unwelcome thoughts to the back of my head. Tomorrow evening on the Report I'll be engaged and then I'll be married.

I'll be married.

It was a pleasant though until I realized it meant dropping Carswell. I thought about it. Alessandra Carswell. Alessandra Shreave. It had a ring to it but my current last name was preferred. I'll be married soon. Which also means something else.

I looked at Will.

I'd be princess soon.


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