Chapter Thirty Three

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"What do you mean you're not cutting your hair with me!?!??!?!?!"

Krystal bit the inside of my cheek. "Well, I like my hair."

I huffed. "So does everyone else. But this is supposed to be special. A movement started by the selected ladies that will get everyone else to do it too!"

"I'd cut my hair," Ora offered. "But it's only at my shoulder blades. There's not enough."

I raised my eyebrows and pointed to Ora. "See? Ora said she'd do it."

Tiny stroked her dark blonde hair. "I don't know. I had my hair short once. I didn't like it." she looked up at me and smiled. "But I'll do it."

I looked at her. "Really?" I embraced her before even waiting for a response and she laughed.

Cecilia rubbed her hands together. "What about you?"

I looked at her and tried not to glare. "Trust me. Mine is getting chopped down as soon as I'm back in Carolina."

She rolled her eyes.

"Don't believe me?"

"I'm not cutting my hair." she said.

"Well then I hope it falls off." I blurted out.

Ora spit up her soda and fell of her chair. She started laughing, clutching her stomach, and my face started to burn up. I didn't meant to say that but it just came out. Cecilia had just annoyed me so much.

She was always annoying me.


I put my suitcase down and Will stood next to me in front of the palace doors. Back in Carolina it must have been below zero so I had a long trench coat on with gloves, a scarf, and hat. I really missed the snow.

A lot.

"It doesn't snow in Angeles," Will smiled at me. "It's one of the only flaws."

I needed to pay attention more. I sometimes forget I say things out loud.

My flight was the longest than everyone else's so while most people were leaving tomorrow I was leaving at midnight. I fixed Will's collar and smoothed my hands over his shirt out of habit.

"Don't fall in love with anyone else, alright."

I could hear the lyrics of Blue Christmas in the back of my mind. Ughhh stupid Christmas songs, all stuck in my head.

Will pulled me close and I nearly tripped over my feet. "Don't count on it."

"I'll be back the 26." I promised. "And then I'll give you your gift."

I bought him an art kit filled with different kinds of paint. He seems to like that kind of stuff. It's hard shopping for a prince. What do you buy the boy that has everything.

He laughed. "Same to you Alessa."

There was something strange between the two of us and I knew he felt it too. I've never been away from the palace before save for my father's heart attack. That was so early on it didn't even count. It felt so strange leaving. I felt like I was ripping my roots from the ground.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. We stood there for a moment, wrapped up in each other's arms, and I knew it was a place I wanted to be for the rest of my life. Whenever I was with Will I was ready to promise him the world. But when I was away from him all the what ifs of life hit me like a tidal wave and my indecisiveness always got the best of me.

"I love you," he whispered. "Alessa."

I let out a deep breath and squeezed him tighter. "I know." I whispered back.

I know.




I'm actually getting a little annoyed because I want this selection to be over already and Allie keeps telling me there's more and I'm thinking to myself HOW ON EARTH CAN THERE BE MORE HE'S ALREADY SAID HE LOVES YOU AND HAS PROPOSED TO YOU AND SENT NEARLY EVERYONE HOME and Allie is just like no no no there's more Lilly!

FML stupid Allie and her feelings.

LOve you guys!

XOXO Lilly

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