Dating Them Would Include- Umbrella Edition

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A/N: Thanks for reading <3


-Helping him with his self-esteem issues

-Him always teasing you for your height because no matter how tall you are he will most likely be taller

-Him attempting to do your makeup

-Asks Grace to teach him how to cook so that he can cook for your date nights

-Always wraps his entire body around you

-You making sure he doesn't get too mean to his siblings

-Forehead kisses 

-Loves to watch you blush

-Tends to show off how strong he is

-Him telling you all about space and the moon



-Him learning how to braid your hair (short or long hair) 

-Giving him surprise hugs

-Listening to him complain about Luther

-Him blushing at the smallest of compliments or signs of affection

-Asking him to play the violin for you

-The other Hargreeve siblings love to tease Viktor about you

-Date nights often, generally staying at the academy

-Holding him whenever he has a bad day

-Him occasionally being afraid of hurting you 

-You reassuring him that you have never, and never will, be afraid of him

-The both of you being very protective of each other



-Helping him solve the doomsdays

-Giving him surprise kisses to watch him flush

-Him complimenting you as much as possible

-Always subtly trying to get your attention

-Will ramble to you about all of random ideas

-Loves to try getting you to ask him questions

-He really enjoys trying to seem smart in front of you

-You saying you love him all of the time and him trying to brush it off

-Hugs from behind to make him jump

-He will teleport you away from his siblings if they ever try getting near you

-Him teaching you how to cook

-You teasing him about his sense of style

-Taking lots of vacations (the guy needs it)



-Watching him practice throwing knifes

-Making him teach you some basic fighting skills

-Him being extremely overprotective of you

-You asking him to teach you how to dance, it generally fails

-Always touching you in some way 

-Very open about your relationship

-Braiding his hair whenever he lets you 

-Five getting annoyed at all your PDA

-Patching him up after his missions or vigilante escapades

-You being his safe space

-Him always making grand gestures



-Watching him have conversations with ghosts

-Klaus giving you surprise hugs and kisses as much as possible

-Taking naps together

-Makes you play with his hair though you don't mind

-Very good listener

-Klaus prides himself on being there for you at all times

-Him complaining to you whenever the ghosts get too loud

-Group hangouts with Ben

-You doing his makeup

-Very protective of you

-You giving him bear hugs whenever he's not doing good

-Supporting him on his way to becoming sober

-Having lots of inside jokes which 100% annoys the other Hargreeves



-A private relationship pretty much only the other Hargreeves know

- Going clothes shopping together 

-Coffee dates

-You watching her movies together so you can tease her

-Her allowing you to do her makeup

-Group hangouts with Viktor

-She loves to spoil you rotten

-Cuddling whenever she gets free time

-You keeping her grounded


Ben (6):

-Calming him down after missions

-Surprise dates, generally something very romantic

-Laying on his lap as he plays with your hair

-Reading together 

-Very good conversationalist when it comes to you

-Not afraid to show you how much he loves you

-Ruffling his hair and him swatting you away

-Holding hands as much as possible

-You drawing on his hand, he loves looking at the doodles whenever he's away from you

-The both of you teasing Klaus as much as possible


A/N: Just like my Sparrow version of this there may be some added content to this chapter.

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