Date Me?- Klaus x GNReader

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A/N: If you decide to read this book, I just want to say thank you, it means a lot. Also, Y/N is a bit of a dummy in this story... so beware. 

Reader POV. 2nd Person:

     You've been best friends with Klaus for a few years now and you've been there for him no matter what. Drug issues? You were there. Doomsday? You were there. Nightmares? You were there. He returned the favor countless times as well, never letting you even consider a negative thought. You get along well enough with the other siblings, but Klaus and Viktor have always been closest to you. The only issue being friends with Klaus presents is his flirty nature. You don't have enough fingers to count how many times he's tried asking you out. Youve denied each and every one of his advances though, you know he's only joking. Even if he wasn't kidding, Klaus fails to take anything seriously most of the time. You don't think he'd remember important dates or even to text you. It's not that you have no faith in him - you know he's capable of taking things seriously, if necessary, you just think he has a small crush at most. You on the other hand have been infatuated with Klaus since you met him. His charming and funny personality had you hooked the first time he spoke. This is exactly why you can't except any of his advances because you know it would break you if he revealed it to only be a joke. 

     One day you're hanging out with Viktor talking about his violin when a distraught looking Klaus bursts into the room. His abrupt entrance causes you and Viktor to jump, Viktor letting out a gasp. "Klaus what the heck?" You both exclaim trying to calm your racing hearts. Klaus who acts as if his behavior is normal, which for him it is, takes a seat on the floor sitting in front of the two of you. He has a small pout on his face when he speaks "Y/N...." His voice drags on as Viktor shoots you an amused look. "Yes Klaus?" "Why won't you go out with me?" His question catches you off guard. Hes asked you out so many times now, but he's never asked why you always say no before. Your eyes have widened so much it would be considered comical if it was such a loaded question. You attempt to sputter excuses "well you you serious?" Viktor looks mildly uncomfortable being present for this conversation and Klaus seems to deflate at your question. "Of course I'm being serious...I obviously want to date you Y/N." "Klaus, I thought you didn't do relationships?" Every time you speak Klaus seems to shrink in on himself and as much as seeing that pains you, you truly think he's kidding. He goes to speak but his jaw snaps closed with a click that makes you wince. Klaus sits there for a few moments before heaving a heavy sigh, getting up, and without a word he's out the door.

     The silence is deafening until Viktor, who you forgot was there to witness all of that, speaks "Y/N... why is it that you deny all of his advances? It's clear you like him back." "He's just joking around..." seeing Viktors dead stare makes you rethink. "He's kidding right?" You think Viktor wants to punch something or someone just going off the look on his face. "YOU'RE kidding right?" He looks at you like you've lost your mind, maybe you have. You hesitate before responding "...No...?" Viktor stares a moment longer before running a hand down his face "Y/N he is so madly in love with you. He talks about you all the time... drives Five crazy." Now you understand why Viktor was looking at you like you grew another head. "He really loves me..." you let that sink in for a second before blurting "OH MY GOSH AND I TOTALLY JUST BROKE HIS HEART!" You only see Viktor nod before your up and running out of the room "bye, thanks Viktor!"

     You have to find Klaus and apologize... also maybe confess your true feelings. You feel so blind, how could you have thought he was always just joking. You're running throughout the academy looking for Klaus when you run into Five. His face has a concerned look to it which only makes your heavy heart drop more. Five sees you making a mad dash and you can see something click within him. "So, you finally realized that Klaus wasn't kidding." You can't help but roll your eyes "yes okay I finally did. Just... do you know where he went?" He just points towards Klaus' room before blinking away. 

     You quickly reach Klaus' door, and you hesitantly knock before saying "Klaus, it's me Y/N... can you let me in?"  You swear you can hear him sniffling inside which only serves to break your heart. "Please Klaus." You're not against begging if it means he'll open the door for you. 

     A few minutes pass and before you can knock once more the door creaks open a crack revealing a red rimmed Klaus. He still has tears running down his eyes which causes tears to start running down yours. You feel so guilty for doing this to him and you make sure he knows this "Klaus I'm so, so sorry." His eyes widen before he opens the door, enough to let you slip inside before closing it once more. You both take a seat on his bed before you decide to talk once more "I really am sorry Klaus, I truly thought it was only a joke of yours... I should have known you'd never be so cruel." "It's okay Y/N if you didn't like me back you could've just said so." you can tell he's holding back from full on sobbing. "No Klaus, I love you so much. I thought you asking me out was a joke, so I always said no to save myself from getting hurt." He physically perks up after you say this. "You love me?" "How could I not?" Klaus looks like he may start crying for a different reason this time. You can't stand his tears any longer, so you lean forwards and place your hand on his cheek. He leans into the touch when you use the pads of your fingers to wipe away his tears. "I love you so much Y/N" his is smile is so bright it puts the sun to shame. You can't help but smile back as you remove your hand from his face. He tries to chase your hand which makes a small laugh bubble from deep in your chest. You both sit there staring into each other's eyes before Klaus breaks the silence "so Y/N, will you date me?"

A/N: Sorry if these aren't super long, I just have so many ideas which is why I've been uploading around 3-4 times a day.  

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