Part Of The Family- Reader X Platonic Hargreeves

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A/N: Welcome to my first story, I figured since it's the first one I'd do an angst to fluff family fic. Enjoy! -Lee

For this fic just pretend Viktor was never drugged and hidden away as a child... (something I never thought I'd type) 

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

     You are sitting around the table with your siblings, father is out of town on a business trip which leaves you guys with small freedoms. Klaus and Diego are bickering over nothing important, as usual, when you get lost in thought. You are number 8 and the outcast of the family, even more so than Klaus. See where Klaus pushes people away with his unpredictable actions, you've just never been treated as an equal. Your father (if you can even call him that) has always said that you're the useless sibling and until recent didn't even let you go on missions with everyone else. Your siblings aren't exactly mean to you, but they definitely don't acknowledge you. Klaus is the only of your siblings who makes an effort to speak to you. Being mostly ignored and harsh words from father are somethings that you've learned to live with. Having the power to grow vines from nothing and control them all without breaking a sweat is apparently not worthy of praise. Though your power does have one flaw, you can feel physical pain through your vines (somewhat like Ben) but all powers have their drawbacks which makes you unsure as to why you get so much mistreatment about yours. 

     You snap back to the present when you get a light smack to the shoulder, turning to look you can see that the hit came from Klaus. You can see that he has a small pout placed on his face. "Y/N tell Deigo that I am totally right here" he gestures to a clearly annoyed Diego who is gripping his spoon so hard you can see his knuckles turn white. You flush while you admit that you haven't really been listening. Klaus' pout gets even more intense, and you think you hear someone scoff at your admission. Klaus is about to speak again when Five cuts him off "stop your meaningless chatter, we have more important things to talk about." You can audibly hear Klaus snap his mouth closed when he notices how annoyed the rest of the table looks though he doesn't look at all regretful. Five continues "we have a mission tomorrow which needs to be gone over." Luther pipes up from where he sits "yeah guys it's our first mission without dad being home." You have to admit the thought makes you nervous, your still new to the whole mission thing and now that father is away, you'll have no one to talk to through it. "We don't need him and his rude comments anyways" Allison states clearly disagreeing with your thoughts. Your other siblings offer their small words of agreeance which you can't help but grimace at. Five talks over everyone as if no one was talking at all which quickly quiets down the table. "The mission tomorrow should be an easy one if you'd all stop being so incompetent, we just have to stop a bank robbery that father has managed to find out about."

     The talk goes on for another 30 minutes. Five explains what everyone's jobs are and when they should be done. You should have no issues; all you have to do is disarm the robbers with your vines and apparently father claimed that there shouldn't be more than 3 men. 3 measly robbers won't be an issue for you, though apparently your siblings disagree. Before Five leaves everyone to their own devices he says one more thing which bothers you more than you'd like to admit. "Oh, and Y/N remember to be careful." The words would be kind and caring if he didn't say them in such a stern tone. Your eyebrows lower when your siblings say nothing about the statement and just leave without a word. Your left alone at the table for a few moments pondering before shaking your head and going up to your room. 

Time Skip-

     It's the day of the mission and your nerves have peaked. You and your sibling are heading over to the bank that supposably is to be robbed. Your foot is anxiously tapping which you know is bothering Five and Diego, but they thankfully don't say anything. Klaus blabbing into your ear somewhat calms you but not enough to stop your repetitive tapping. 

     Allison and Viktor are having and interesting conversation on music when you arrive at the bank. "Alright everybody should know the plan, in first is Y/N, Diego, and myself" its Fives who talks first. Luther continues for him "then me and the rest of the gang we know." Five rolls his eyes and mutters a "whatever" before hopping out of the car leaving you and Diego to hurry after him. 

     Upon reaching the bank you can see 2 men holding the workers at gun point and 3 other men threatening the civilians. Your eyes widen when you see the 2 extra robbers "there was only meant to be 3!" You spoke to yourself but Five seemed to hear you "you'll just have to tie them up as well then" he gives you a sarcastic smile. Diego adds nothing to the conversation as he bursts through the door before you can even respond. Five disappears from your side when you finally enter the bank. You quickly summon your vines and disarm the 2 men threatening the workers. You can see Five moving the civilians out of the corner of your eye as planned. You are about to let loose more vines when you lose your focus as you hear a child crying which gives one of the robbers who you haven't tied up enough time to shoot your vines holding up one of his buddies. Letting out a strangled cry at the pain that shoots through your body you drop the rest of your vines. The next few moments are a blur until you feel more pain in your side and your name being yelled. You can distantly feel your body hit the ground and arms wrap around you before everything goes black. 

Time Skips-

     You can hear mumbles around you and a fiery pain coming from the side of your body upon regaining consciousness. You must have made a noise because all of the talking suddenly stops and your eyes begin fluttering open before hissing and closing once more at the bright lighting. Someone dims the lights and your eyes finally open revealing a worried looking Klaus in front of your face. "Y/N thank goodness you're alright!" He throws his arms around you trying to hug you until you hiss at the flare of pain it causes. "Klaus!" you hear someone yell as Klaus disappears from your sight revealing the rest of your family minus father. They all have worried looks on their faces and Klaus looks apologetic which only serves to confuse you. "W-what happen..." a cough interrupts your sentence. Thankfully Allsion quickly brings you a cup of water and helps you take a sip. Before you can try speaking Five talks first, which normally would annoy you until you hear what he has to say. "I'm sorry Y/N" his eyes are slightly red rimmed as if he had been crying. Your eyes widen because a crying Five is unheard of and an apologetic one even more so. "I was wrong to leave you to deal with the robbers when I knew you were anxious AND that there were more than planned." He looks sincere as he admits this to you "though... we are all sorry that we have been ignoring you." Your eyes leave Five and scan the rest of your siblings who all seem to be nodding along with what Five has said. You take a moment to gather yourself before speaking only one word "why?"  They must know what you're referring to because Viktor speaks up next "we knew how much missions make you anxious so we thought that maybe ignoring you would keep dad from putting you on the field."  "Which we realize now was a dumb plan" Diego adds with a small frown on his face. Luther who has been standing in the corner along with Allison talks next "when Five appeared with you unconscious our hearts stopped." Your siblings' confessions leave you speechless, you never thought they cared. Tears fall from your eyes when Five takes your hand in his and says, "you have always been a part of this family and it's about time we showed you." 

A/N: Thats one done! I hope it was good and that there aren't too many grammar and spelling issues. Remember requests are open. Finally, if you want to see some awesome art check out my Tik Tok

Thanks for reading 


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