Together Part 2- Five x GNReader

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A/N: Welcome to Part 2 of Together. If you haven't read part 1 you can probably get away with just reading this one, but I recommend reading the first part anyways.

ALSO, BEFORE I BEGIN: This story is going to be written in a strange format. The beginning will be written as if it was a normal story and then it will turn into a scenario format. You'll see just give it a chance.

WARNING: I change up how the doomsday occurs, just go with it but there are still SPOILERS!

Where the story left off:

He gives you a quick kiss before asking "are you ready?" You don't hesitate to nod, even if the calculations are wrong NOTHING can be worse than what happened the first time. And just like that the two of you are traveling through time once more...

Readers POV 2nd Person (Flash Back):

You were right there was something wrong with Five's calculations. When the both of you jumped through time once more you ended up with your 14-year-old bodies. You decided to just roll with it considering you still ended up in the right time which is all that matters. Five didn't seem even a bit bothered by the new bodies but that probably had to do with him trying to save the world. Right when you and Five got back to the correct year Five jumped right into explaining what happened to the both of you while you had a few tearful reunions. You couldn't help yourself; you missed them all so much. Though they seemed confused as to why you missed them until Five explained how it was just the two of you for a long time.

You guys had 8 days to stop the apocalypse. You knew that you couldn't be much help, so you stuck around the academy most of the time while Five was out trying to solve mysteries. Five wanted to keep you far away from any danger so he was all for you staying back during the mission of his. Though before Five went off on his own the both of you decided to not hide your relationship. You've been together for years now and married for just as long, you're not ashamed and neither is he. This didn't mean that you were going to announce your marriage, Five wanted to mess with them a bit. He asked if the both of you could act like you normally do and see how long it takes for them to notice. You of course went along with it because the Hargreeves could be oblivious, and you needed some entertainment.

(This is where the scenario format begins. The list will go from the first person to notice to the last person to notice. -Lee)


Allison was of course the first sibling to notice. Five was out trying to solve one of his mysteries so you decided to talk to Allison about one of her movies. There was a lull in your conversation when Five suddenly burst through the door. His hair was messy, and he had a stressed look on his face. You knew immediately that his searches ended in failure. His eyes land on you which causes Allison to mutter an "oh boy" under her breath. You figured she must be thinking that Five is going to take his anger out on you but you knew that couldn't be further from the truth. Five starts to make his way to you and Allison, Allison subtly moves further away from his wrath. When Five finally reaches you, he hesitates before speaking "Y/N... can I get a hug?" You can see his eyes flicking between looking at you and Allison whose eyes have gone wide. You give him a small smile "of course." He looks momentarily relieved before he wraps his arms around you and squeezes. You melt into the embrace; you've always told Five that he gives the best hugs though he always denies it and claims that you give the best hugs. You can physically feel the tension in Five's body melt away the longer you hug. You spare a glance at Allison to see her still sitting there frozen before her eyes meet yours. She still looks startled, but a small smile breaks free. Once Five pulls away from you he quickly turns to his sister and states "you will tell no one about this, don't ruin our fun" before walking away. You can't help but roll your eyes at his retreating figure until Allisons voice cuts through your thoughts. "Is that what the ring on your finger is about?"

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