I'm Here- Viktor x (Fem)Reader

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A/N: Before I get started- Spoiler Warning: In this story Viktor doesn't cause the first doomsday and his siblings don't treat him like garbage. 

WARNING: Spoilers for seasons 1-2

Reader POV. 2nd Person (Flashback):

     When you started dating Viktor you knew it wouldn't be a normal experience, but you never expected to be traveling throughout time and trying to save the world with him and his family. You'd been a friend of the family long before you and Viktor started dating so when Five went missing it hurt you both. You and Viktor started dating shortly after his disappearance. You'll never forget that day, Viktor was so shy about asking you that you essentially had to guess what he was trying to say. Some time had passed and one day you got a phone call informing you that Five returned with grave news. You can still remember how it felt as if time slowed down when Five told you all about the apocalypse. You didn't hear much from Viktor after that, but you don't blame him, he was trying to stop a doomsday. When that fateful day arrived, Viktor asked you to travel to the past with him. You were hesitant but once Viktor explained how he "couldn't do this without you" how could you ever say no? Though of course, something had to go wrong...

    Waking up in an unknown area was one of the scariest things you've ever experienced but not seeing Viktor was worse. You can recall screaming your lungs out and the strange looks you were given. It didn't take long to realize something had gone wrong and you definitely were in the wrong time period. You were about to give up when you caught a person running around just like you, in clothes that didn't match the others. The relief when those brown eyes locked onto yours was unmistakable. The both of you stood in the middle of the sidewalk hugging for ages until you decided to get out of there. 

     The others were missing but you had each other and that was enough for the both of you. You started a life together in a rural area away from the towns people who never stopped giving you strange looks. The both of you even planned on getting married as soon as possible but that was postponed due to some unexpected visitors. Viktor's siblings reunited which was a bittersweet moment for you. You got to see your friends again, but you knew that, that was the end of Viktor's and your calm life, and you were right. Not long after the reunion did it all go to sh*t. You and Viktor were on the run from the FBI, they managed to catch a glimpse of Viktor's power and the rest of the Hargreeves were off doing who knows what. Nothing you've gone through will compare to the pain you felt when Viktor was caught. The FBI cornered you. Viktor decided to hide you away while trying to fight them off, but it wasn't enough. After that you met up with the other Hargreeves siblings where you learned that doomsday was coming once more only this time Viktor would be the cause which is how you ended up in the FBI building trying to save the world.

Reader POV. 2nd Person (Present Time):

      Klaus, Diego, and Allison had decided to come with you claiming that you "could get hurt" as if they couldn't. The FBI building was shaking and quickly filling with a bright white light. The four of you dash through the hallways trying to find Viktor when a question pops up "what do we do when we find him?"  They look thoughtful for a moment before Allison responds, "you let us deal with this, we can't risk anything happening to you." "Whys that?" you question somewhat offended. "Because if we manage to save Viktor only for him to see you hurt or worse... it'll all be for nothing." Before you can respond Klaus yells from down the hall "I found him and it's not looking good guys..." The rest of you run towards where Klaus yelled, Diego taking the front of the line. As you get closer the lights get brighter, your body feels as if it's being pushed back, and there's a loud wind like noise which only gets louder. Rounding a corner, you can just make out Klaus who is hiding behind an assortment of fallen furniture. "Viktor is in that room, look!" He yells and points in the direction of one of the rooms. Looking forwards you can see Viktor strapped down and writhing as if in pain. The sight breaks your heart. Allison and Diego duck down with Klaus, and before you can get pushed away too far you decide to join them.

      "We have to get to him" you try yelling over the noise, but it seems your efforts are in vain due to Allison yelling over you. "I'm going to get to him." "Are you crazy?" is Klaus' response. Allison either doesnt hear this or choses to ignore it as she slowly raises herself from the ground. You, Diego, and Klaus peek your heads over the furniture just in time to see Allison get flung back causing her to smash head on your barricade. You yelp and Klaus shuffles back. "My turn" is all Diego says before taking a deep breath and rising to his feet. You and Klaus watch with hopeful eyes as Diego gets closer than Allison did. Your heart drops when his feet start to slip and with another pulse of Viktors power, Diego slides back with Allison. 

     Klaus is staring at you with wide eyes before screaming "I don't want to go!" You watch helpless as he starts mumbling to himself 'talking to Ben' your mind supplies. You go to speak when he abruptly stands and starts to slowly make his way towards Viktor. Viktor's power lets out a few power surges, but Klaus keeps walking. You mentally cheer him on when he suddenly fly's back smacking his head onto the floor. "Klaus!" You don't have time to check on either of the siblings because Viktors power starts unleashing itself. You know what you have to do but you don't know if you have the strength to do it. (Ha reference) 'Come on Y/N this is for Viktor... oh plus the rest of the world" and with that you start shuffling towards the love of your life. The power coming from Viktor would be impressive if not for the fact of the world being in danger. You try staying low to the ground hoping for some of the wind to miss you. You occasionally find yourself slipping but you plant your feet and carry on. The sight of Viktor still strapped in that chair and suffering is enough to keep you going. 

     You eventually reach the doorway and grab on to it with both hands. The lights become so blinding you have to close your eyes. You know you won't be getting any closer, so you begin to yell to Viktor. "VIKTOR!" "VIKTOR CAN YOU HEAR ME?" His body continues to shake but his hands start to lose the death grip they have on the chair though his eyes stay unseeing. The small reassurance he's hearing you spurs you on. "VIKTOR, I KNOW THAT WHATEVER IS HAPPENING TO YOU MUST BE SCARY BUT YOU NEED TO COME BACK TO ME!" The wind picks up its pace and you slowly lose your grip on the doorframe. You can feel yourself being pulled backwards so as a last-ditch effort you yell "WE STILL HAVE TO GET MARRIED!" You lose your grip and as your flying back you can just make out Viktor's eyes turning brown once more before it all goes black. 

Time skip:

     You can't remember much after that. You don't remember Viktor breaking out of the chair and running towards you. You don't remember him screaming your name. You don't remember Five showing up and blinking all of you away. You don't remember Viktor staying by your side the whole time. You waking up is a bit of a blur as well but as you look down at the wedding band on your finger you know all of it was worth it in the end.

A/N: That was longer than expected and also has the possibility of being filled with mistakes but I'm pretty happy with it either way.

Remember requests are open and remember to check out my Tik Tok @ its.leahs.art 


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