Throwing Knifes- Diego x GNReader

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A/N: GN means gender neutral by the way. Also, I hope 2nd person is alright because that's pretty much all I use. Enjoy!

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

     The Hargreeves are pretty famous where you're from, but you've never seen them as anything more than friends not people to be worshipped. Though their gifts are definitely something to witness. You got lucky enough... or unlucky enough, to become friends with all of the Hargreeves. You met them after they saved you from a mugging one stormy night, you were prepared to die when a small boy appeared and swiftly took down the mugger. You quickly learned that the "small boy" was indeed not as small as you first expected. After being saved the man decided to bring you back to the Hargreeves estate claiming "you needed medical attention" due to a small cut on your head. At first you were cautious, but the man shut down any negative thoughts you were having which led you to becoming friends with the kids of the Umbrella Academy. 

     You visited the academy as often as possible, even Mr. Hargreeves eventually warmed up to you and didn't mind your plentiful visits. All was well until you decided to fall for Diego... you were always closer to him and Five. Though being close to Five was mainly due to the fact that he saved you all those years ago. Diego is a different story; he was wary of you at first and took longer to open up but once he did, he became one of your best friends. Occasionally you think about telling him how you feel but then you remember how ordinary you are and realize that he'd never fall for someone like you (you're all wonderful, no one is ordinary -Lee). You decide to simply push down your feelings until they eventually fade, though that won't stop you from hanging out and talking to him. 

Time skip:

     It's another day and you've decided to visit the academy once more. You've had this idea in your mind for a while now, have Diego teach you how to throw knifes. His gift has always fascinated you and you decided today is the day to ask him about it. Upon reaching the door to the academy it swings open revealing Five before you can even begin to knock. "Good you're here, maybe Diego will stop whining now" he says before spinning on his heels and retreating into the house. His statement leaves you slack jawed "why would he be whining?" you mumble before cautiously entering the house. 

     You can see Klaus and Diego having a heated argument, Viktor and Allison talking quietly to each other, Luther sitting in the corner, and Five is nowhere to be seen. Klaus seems to notice you first, leaving his argument with Diego and running over to you. "Y/N! Finally, get this meanie away from me" he jabs his hand over in Diegos direction as he stands in front of you before shaking you from your shoulders. You can see Diego make his way over to the both of you with an annoyed expression on his face.  Klaus must have seen him as well considering he quickly removes his hands and dashes away making you and Viktor laugh at his antics. Diego ends up in front of you once you stop laughing, he has a small smile on his face when he says, "hey Y/N what brings you here today?" You hesitate a moment before responding "well... I was wondering if you could teach me how to throw a knife?" His response is quick "I don't know Y/N I think you'd stab someone" his lips twitching gives away the fact that he's teasing you. You scoff and swat his arm "whatever can you teach me or not? I can have someone else teach me if you'd rather not." That makes his smile drop "no, no I'll teach you, let's go." He quickly takes off in the direction of the training rooms making you pick up your pace to keep up with him.

Time skip:

     Diego has been trying to teach you knife throwing for about 30 minutes now, you've gotten close to the center of the target but it's difficult considering Diego is making you nervous. He stands behind you, so close you can feel his body heat. He continues to move your arm the way it needs to be to properly throw a knife. "You're doing fine, try again" he states before taking a small step away from you, giving you room to throw. You take a deep breath and line up your arm, right as you're about to throw Five jumps right next to your side causing you to scream and drop the knife, almost hitting your foot. Putting a shaking hand to your chest you turn to look at Five who doesn't even have the decency to look sorry. "What the hell Five?!" Its Diego who speaks before you or Five can. Five turns to look at him "I didn't think they'd drop the knife I just needed to speak to them." "It can wait Five get out..." Diego's face is turning red and you can see him shaking though he speaks calmly. Five must realize that he's fighting a losing battle because he's gone in a blink of an eye. Diego takes a deep breath before bending down and grabbing the knife you dropped all while avoiding eye contact. "One more try, then we call it a day, alright?" He finally reaches your eyes when you say, "sure Diego, are you okay though?" "I... yeah I'm fine." You don't want to push him, so you take the knife from his hands and line yourself up to the target once more. You are determined to hit the target this time, so you take a calming breath and relax yourself. After a moment of silence and not moving you release the knife and close your eyes You hear the smack of the target which gives away the fact that you've hit it but when you open your eyes you see that not only have you hit the target, but you've hit the center. 

     You get a huge smile on your face, and you turn to Diego "I DID IT!" He's also smiling at you with a proud look on his face along with something else that you can't seem to place. "You did it, good job." You're so excited you don't think before throwing your arms around him, you feel him stiffen before quickly hugging back. You both stand there a moment simply embracing each other until you pull back upon realizing what you've done. You go to apologize but a pair of lips on yours interrupts you before you can. Eyes wide from surprise you eventually melt into the kiss wrapping your arms around Diego once more. 

     You both pull back with large smiles gracing your faces. Foreheads resting against each other Diego states "I have loved you for so long now..." "I love you too Diego." His smile brightens even more as he pulls you into another kiss. The both of you stand there in the training room, a knife sticking in the center of the target, kissing the night away. 

"Pft about time" is spoken from the corner of the room but you and Diego miss it, though you do see the blue light flash and fade before focusing back on Diego. 

A/N: I hope these stories are good and written decently well lol.  

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