Scenario- How You Comfort Them

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A/N: Just another Scenario. If anyone has ideas on what I can write about, please let me know. I struggle to think of ideas sometimes. Includes both the Umbrella's and the Sparrow's.

This Fic will also talk about WHY they need comfort. 

WARNING: Spoilers for all seasons of TUA (1-3)


Klaus needs comfort for a number of reasons. 1) Ghosts, they swarm him on occasion which would overwhelm anyone 2) His drug problems, even if/when Klaus is sober withdrawal is an issue. I think Klaus would need a good hug just to help remind him that he's not alone. Rubbing your hands up and down his arms is a good way to ground him. 


Five would never admit to needing comfort so it would be up to you to notice him acting strange. He'd probably be snappier than usual and if he snaps at you then you know it's really bad. Five has spent most of his life trying to stop some sort of doomsday leaving him on edge at all times.  To comfort him all you have to do is be there for him. If he's going to get a coffee, offer to go with him. The little things mean the world to him. Doing this helps reassure him that saving the world was worth it. 


Allison has gone through a lot of stuff in her life (though they all have). She lost her husband and child. She feels so alone at times and needs some verbal confirmations to assure her that she has people in her life who love and care for her. 


Luther spent a lot of time on the moon all alone thinking it was for a good cause only to find out that it was all a ruse. He also has some body image issues to battle. To comfort him giving him a hug or verbal reassurance is necessary. 


Viktor struggled with body image issues for the longest time. He never felt like himself and he occasionally has days where he still doesn't feel quite right. This is when he needs the most comfort. Giving him lots of compliments never fails to cheer him up when he's down in a funk.  


His whole life was spent trying to impress his father. He wanted to make him proud just once, only to fail in the end. Somedays Digeo just feels worthless and, like Viktor, needs some compliments to boost his ego. 

Ben (6):

Ben dreads mission days because he knows that he'll have to use his power. Whenever he knows a mission is coming up, he tends to pull away from people. This leaves you to comfort him considering he generally only lets you near him when he's feeling like this. Cuddling him for hours on end will definitely help calm his nerves but he also wouldn't hate some verbal confirmation as well.  


Sloane tends to feel like the outcast of her family at times. Shes always trying to help the others get along that it can become exhausting. To cheer her up you'll have to remind her that she's trying which is all that matters. A good hug will also never fail to pull a laugh from her. 


People tend to be rude towards Alphonso and normally he just shrugs it off but sometimes he lets it get to him. Complimenting him is a sure way to boost his mood.   


Marcus feels a lot of pressure to be perfect all of the time due to being Number 1. His stress levels are so high that he can get rude towards everyone. Calming him down can be tricky but eventually enough hugs will help him get through it all. 

Ben (2):

Ben is generally in a bad mood and worked up. Not being Number 1 weighs on him a lot more than he'll ever admit. He tends to only show you how truly hurt he is by this. Ben will cheer up after a few mushy compliments (he's secretly a softie... but only towards you). 


Fei sometimes falls into a bad mental state after a day of Ben continuously putting her down. I feel like Fei would except any forms of comfort so as long as you're trying, she'll cheer up. 


I feel like nothing much bothers Jayme. The only times I can see her being upset is if you or Alphonso get hurt. To calm her down just reassure her that you (or Alphonso depending on the situation) are okay and alive. 

A/N: I apologize if there are some spelling or grammar mistakes, I was somewhat distracted while writing this. Thank you for 300 reads!

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