I Care- Ben (Number 2) x GNReader

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A/N: Spoilers for season 3 though there a quite a few twists. Thank you so much for 200 reads!

WARNING: Cursing

Reader POV. 2nd Person:

     Being a part of the Sparrows is never an easy feat but having Ben constantly comment on your every move is simply unbearable. Though Marcus is Number 1, Ben likes to claim the role for himself which never really bothered anyone... besides maybe Marcus. Ben is generally a good leader who pushes hard yes but never to an unreasonable amount. Well, that statement sadly doesn't apply to everyone considering he's a fair leader to everyone except you. Ben always seems to push you to the edge without remorse. You've spoken to the others, but they never have any advice to offer you though they have noticed Ben's strange behavior towards you. Alphonso has even let it slip that Ben has claimed you to be "special". His confession only managed to confuse you more. Your gift isn't anything special so that can't be what Ben was referring to. Your gift was telekinesis (moving objects with you mind). Sure, it has its small perks but generally you were labeled as the weakest of the Sparrows hence your number being 8. Conflicts with Ben aside life with the Sparrows is overall a great experience. You occasionally have arguments but that's just something that can happen when you've been together since children. All was well until the group of people who claimed to be the Umbrella Academy showed up.

     You watch with fascination as your father talks to a bunch of strangers who've very boldly claimed that they live in YOUR house. Their voices continuously raise until one of the people say, "What the hell are you talking about this is the Umbrella Academy." Your eyebrows raise. You fully realize how insane these people are now. Your father responds, "wrong again this is the Sparrow Academy." The stranger's faces are priceless, jaws dropped and eyes wide. Your siblings go to step up to the balcony and you decide to join them. The better view shows you that there are 6 people though one of them seems to be looking at something that isn't there. Ben decides that his entrance is necessary, and you can't help but smile at his theatrics when he asks "dad, who the hell are these idiots?" The stranger's sights shift from you and the others to looking at Ben, surprise written all over their faces. Collectively they yell "Ben!?" You wince at the noise but your head tilts in confusion. 'How do they know Ben?' you can't help but wonder. They stare at him for a moment before the one who stared at nothing speaks "Everybody else can see Ben right?" "Cute hate Sundance." You snort at Ben's response before you can stop yourself. You think your reaction went unnoticed until one of the strangers down below asks "who laughed?" Your face flushes and you can see Ben look up at you from the corner of your eye. He seems to have a small smile on his face which very quickly drops when the same person states "it was a cute laugh." 

     You've never seen Ben glare so hard in your life. The other Sparrows must know something is about to go down as they quickly make their way to stand with Ben. The one who made the comment about you seems to have shoulder length hair and a lot of knifes. He seems to regret speaking though considering Ben's glare is sharper than the knifes around his waist. The silence is loud. "Oh, you'll wish you never spoke..." Alphonso shocks you by speaking first. Jayme nods from his side also glaring at the man, she's always been protective of you but not scarily so like Ben. Fei looks to be holding back a laugh after Ben says, "I'll kill you..." You're not exactly sure who he's talking to, the stranger or Alphonso. That question is quickly answered when Ben's tenacles sprout from his front and reach towards the stranger. 

     A full-on brawl begins shortly after. The Sparrow's are busy fighting the "Umbrella Academy" members leaving you with no one to fight. You look around the room trying to see if anyone needs your help when a tentacle wraps around your wrist pulling you back. You go to yell at Ben when you notice his eyes aren't focused on you. Looking back to where you were standing you see the man who made the comments about you holding a knife. Realizing Ben saved you, you shut your mouth. The stranger seems to enjoy antagonizing Ben considering he decides to speak again "can't leave them alone can you." He gestures to you while saying this, you feel Ben tug at you as he puts himself in front of you and the man. "Ben what the hell!" Ben looks back at you for a moment "sit this one out Y/N." You gape at him "like hell I will." "Y/N seriously go!" Ben is completely facing you by now the strangers forgotten. "No Ben I am capable of handling some dumb brute!" You think you hear the man yell a "Hey!" but you block it out as Ben continues to argue with you. "These people aren't like the others we fight, they have powers." "Oh, so right when they actually match our skill set, I'm no longer aloud to help?" Ben looks as if he's eaten a sour candy. "Just go Y/N..." "WHAT AM I TOO WEAK FOR THIS?" You've never felt so angry in your life. That feeling fades to sadness right after Ben yells "YES!" The fight leaves your body and you back away from Ben. He seems like he wants to reach for you but as tears spring to your eyes you decide you have to leave. Running from a fight has never been your thing but right now it feels as if it's the only thing you can do.

Ben's POV. 1st Person:

     Right as it left my mouth, I knew I regretted it. Seeing the tears fall from their eyes as they move just out of my reach breaks my heart. I'm left staring after them when the infuriating man who continuously commented on Y/N speaks "that was fucked up Ben." The fight didn't last much longer after that. 

Time skip:

     The fight leaves us reeling but the aches from my body don't compare to the hole in my heart. I make my way to the training room to be alone when I hear "I heard what you said to Y/N" of course its Alphonso who finds me. I spin around to face him "yeah, so what?" I try acting unbothered, but it must show on my face how broken apart I am. "Dude you have to apologize..." Apologizing is not something I do, and I say as much. "I heard them crying when I passed their room." That makes my resolve break "...really?" "Yeah, idiot they need to know how you feel, you need to explain yourself." I don't even question how he knows about my feelings for Y/N because I'm already making my way to their room. 

     Upon arrival I hear the cries Alphonso was talking about, hearing them is so much worse than simply hearing about it. I hesitate at the door before lightly knocking. Inside the room goes silent before the door slightly creaks open. Their red rimmed eyes were expected but not prepared for. They look as if they're going to slam the door but before they can I put my foot in the entrance. "Hear me out." they don't look convinced, so I add a small "please." "Fine." The door opens allowing me to step inside. They don't even completely close the door as I begin explaining "I'm sorry Y/N." They look surprised and I don't blame them, I'm not known to be the kindest of the Sparrows. I continue "I just can't stand the thought of something happening to you." "I can take care of myself." "I know but still I..." I hesitate until they move their hand in a 'continue' motion. Taking a deep breath, I decide to just tell them everything "I like you. Like, like like you."  Their jaw goes slack, all is silent, and I'm just left staring at them hoping for any kind of response. "I... I like you too." Its quietly spoken but in the empty room I have no issue hearing it. I can't help but smile at them before taking a few steps and pulling them into a hug. 

Reader POV. 2nd Person:

     The hug is everything you'd hoped for and more. It feels safe and warm... like coming home. The two of you will definitely need to have a few more talks about boundaries but right now leaning against him you decide that it can wait. 

A/N: Remember requests are open and remember to check out my Tik Tok @ its.leahs.art 

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