Scenario- How They React To You Randomly Cuddling Them

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A/N: Brought to you by... me :D -Lee

Remember to check out my "The Crows" book! I'm super excited for the entire release but there are a few chapters already out at the moment! 

Requested by: @QueenofFantasy3 thank you for the request!

Klaus: I think he'd just roll with it but expect to not be moving for a while. If you decide to cuddle with him, he WILL cuddle back. 

Diego: Diego would tense up from the surprise of it before leaning right into you for a nice cuddle session. He's just a giant teddy bear and you cannot convince me otherwise. 

Five: I don't think you guys would cuddle very often, unless you're sleeping in bed together- so when you randomly cuddle him, he would be confused. His automatic assumption being that something is wrong; be weary when giving him random cuddles. 

Allison: Allison would also assume that something is wrong but after you clarify that everything's fine then she would be happy to cuddle back. 

Luther: He'd be so confused. Even if you guys cuddle often, you surprise him with cuddles and his brain just malfunctions. He's like "what is happening right now?" Give him 2-3 business days to hug back. 

Viktor: He would turn red SO fast. It would take him a minute to wrap his head around it before cuddling back. He would also definitely make himself the little spoon. 

Ben (6): Like Klaus- I feel like he'd simply roll with it, not without blushing like a tomato though. He loves any affection you show him, so he relishes in surprise cuddles. 

Sloane: She would be beyond happy with you showing her any kind of affection- even if its sneak attack cuddles. I don't think she'd let you leave her arms for a while though, not that you mind. 

Fei: Her first thought, "I'm being attacked" second thought, "oh it's Y/N... wait is something wrong?" After reassuring her that you're okay she would calm down enough to somewhat cuddle back but she'd be a little tense from the surprise of it. 

Alphonso: Would absolutely scare the hell out of him initially. Give him a few minutes to calm his racing heart before going in for more cuddles. 

Jayme: She would enjoy it for sure. This woman has a soft spot for you and would kill for any affection you show her. I think she'd be the least surprised by your random cuddles. 

Ben (2): "What the heck are you doing?" is his first and only thought. You may have to explain and beg for him to cuddle you back before he does anything other than give you a strange look. 

Marcus: He would definitely respond like Ben (2) did, but I think he would give in and cuddle you a lot faster. 

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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