Scenario- When You Fight

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A/N: Featuring the Umbrellas and the Sparrows...

Will begin with how much you fight and why you fight.



You guy don't fight often and if you do its generally not your fault. Sometimes the ghosts become too much for him and he lashes out at you. He'll storm off for a bit, but he always comes back and apologizes immediately. He will feel super guilty and beg for your forgiveness and of course you forgive him. No one can look at those puppy dog eyes and not except the apology.  


Fights are common in this relationship but they're never about anything major. Considering Five can be an asshole at times he likes to argue about the smallest things. He may also make a comment that accidently offends you. He will always apologize first because even if he acts rude towards everyone, he's a softy when it comes to you.


Luther tends to forget that you are his partner and not someone he can push around and try acting all Number 1 to. This can cause some arguments. Luther actually takes some time to apologize to you considering he won't even realize he did something wrong until either Allison or Viktor call him out for being an idiot. 


Generally, the only time you guys' fight is when you feel Allison spends too much time worrying about her job. Sometimes you feel like she forgets about you and your relationship. After the fight you take some time apart and eventually you both apologize to each other. Allison promises to spend more time with you, and you explain to her that you understand how much her job means to her. 


Viktor has the tendency to push you away because he feels as if he's too dangerous to be around. This results in you getting upset and Viktor trying to defend himself. Viktor will storm off and go talk it over with Allison, Allison always sides with you and makes Viktor apologize. The apologies always end with a hug.


Your fights are always after Diego does something reckless, you get upset with him and he tries to explain that it can't be helped. You get upset with his denial and usually rant to Klaus about how dumb Diego can be. Eventually Klaus will force the both of you to apologize to each other considering you're both equally stubborn. 

Ben (6):

Fights with Ben begin similarly to how fights with Viktor start. Ben thinks he's too dangerous to be around and you disagree. Ben will go off with Klaus for a while and you generally sulk alone, maybe you'll hang out with Allison. The separation never lasts long because Ben always comes back to you and apologizes. 


Usually, your arguments start after Jayme fights with someone else, usually one of her siblings. You chastise her for always fighting with someone and she very quickly storms off. Jayme takes some time to cool down because when she's upset, she yells, and she never wants to yell at you. After a moment to herself she'll find you and apologize while promising to try and fight a little less... not totally though. 


Fights with Alphonso always start with him being insecure. He questions why you stay with him which makes you pretty angry but mostly sad. Your fights shouldn't even really be considered fights they are basically just you giving Alphonso a stern talking to. It always ends up with you giving him a hug and him asking for forgiveness, which you of course give. 


Marcus tends to get flirty with his fan girls on occasion which can make you feel unwanted at times. He always tries defending himself saying things like "it doesn't mean anything" but you don't listen and always just walk away. It takes him a few hours but eventually he finds you, apologizes, and promises to make it up to you. 

Ben (2):

Similarly to Five, Ben will casually say something offensive and not even notice until he sees your expression. Even though Ben is a jerk to everyone he could never live with himself if he ever says something rude to you. He will always apologize right away no matter who witnesses it which causes the other Sparrows to tease him. 


I tried imagining Sloane arguing with anyone and unless it's to stick up for someone I just don't see it happening. At most little arguments here and there but nothing crazy. 


Just like Sloane I cannot picture Fei arguing with someone unless that someone is Ben. Fei and you would have no large arguments unless your life is at stake and she's trying to protect you. Only random small fights like Sloane and you have.

A/N: Remember requests are open and remember to check out my Tik Tok

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