Requests Are Open!

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Hello new readers, its Lee here.

I will be accepting requests for this one-shot book but there are some rules.

If you would like to send in a request, please keep the following in mind:

-The gender of Y/N or lack thereof 

-A basic plot or the idea you'd like me to try writing

-If you want a fluff or angst story (or a hurt/comfort fic)

-Who you want the love interest to be (or if you would like a platonic story)

-If you're requesting a scenario, please keep in mind that if you do not state the characters you want, I will just do the main umbrella academy characters

-If you want Y/N to have powers, if yes then what powers preferred

Now please also keep in mind that if you send in a request including the following, I will not write it:

-NO SMUT! No matter the character it won't happen

-Your OC's name, I want my stories to include everyone and having a name there I feel takes away from that

-A poly relationship (I just wouldn't know how to go about writing this)

What I will write about:

-I will write gore, I'm a sucker for some good gore in a story whether that be from a nightmare or fight scene

-Love triangles (please do not mistake this for a poly relationship)

-As stated previously I will write a platonic story

-I will write about certain medial conditions (blind, deaf, mute) or mental conditions (anxiety, depression). If you want to request a different condition, please leave a small description of how the condition works/is 

Thats pretty much it, when requesting a story, I will tag your username in the beginning (unless requested otherwise).

If any of my story's offend you or misinform, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP.

If you are rude when responding to a request that I have done for you I will NOT be making another and depending on how bad the comment(s) are you will be getting blocked plus the story removed.

I will try to get requests done as fast as I can, but I am indeed very busy so please do not but unnecessary pressure on me if I take a bit longer than expected. 

My grammar and spelling may be off sometimes and if so, please kindly point it out to me.

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