Episode 4.1

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"Come on! Be serious!"

"Fushiguro! You're so reliable!"

Fushiguro's annoyed face switched to a softer one after hearing Itadori compliment hium.


"With you and (Name)'s help, we can save the survivors as well as ourselves! You both are so reliable!"

You watched Fushiguro close his eyes before he told all of you to start moving. You and Kugisaki walked side by side behind the two guys with the divine dog leading the way. You guys walked past creepy corridors and you sensed other cursed spirits while you were at it. But they're far from where you're standing at the moment.

They are all huddled together under the ground your group is walking on.

Everyone stopped in their tracks when two dead bodies were found in the corner of the spacious room that you guys just waltzed into and as expected, Itadori approached the corpses first as you watched him closely. You can already tell the current physical form of the corpses from afar, the other still has his upper body intact while the other has its whole body forcefully curled up like a ball of meat but sadly, there is no meat, only bones.

'So, it's called a ball of bones'

"How terrible..."

Kugisaki mumbled in disgust before Fushiguro spoke up,

"I guess it's safe to say that there are three people"

Itadori kneeled in front of one of the dead bodies.

"What are you doing?"

You asked him as you watched him look at the inmate's name tag on his shirt then you heard him gasp.

"I'm taking this body back"

You widened your eyes.

'Why do you want to carry a literal deadweight?!'

"Why on earth would you do that, Itadori?"

You asked him in a serious voice and he replied with the same tone.

"He is that woman's son"


Kugisaki started but got cut off by Itadori almost instantly.

"His face is still recognizable. Telling her that he's dead without showing the body...Of course his mother couldn't accept it"

Fushiguro approached the pinkette from behind and pulled onto his collar harshly, you could only watch them argue with a straight face.

"We have to confirm the status of the remaining two people, so leave that body here"

"You're kidding! The path we came from disappeared! There's no chance of coming back later!"

"I'm not saying we're coming back! I'm saying we're leaving him here! I have no intention of bringing back a corpse of someone I never intended to save!"

"We don't have to bring the entire corpse as proof, you know? We can just take his name ta—"

You tried to suggest but Itadori cut you off by continuing to argue with Fushiguro, the pinkette pulled onto the latter's collar with an enraged face.

"You didn't intend to save them? What do you mean?"

"This is a juvenile detention center. Jujutsu Sorcerers receives information of the crime scene in advance. Tadashi Okazaki, he was driving without a license and hit a young girl who was on her way home from school and this is his second offense"

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