Episode 4.2

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(Yes. I watched Diabolik Lovers. It's the reason why I effing love vampires)

Fushiguro's POV

'Don't die on me, Itadori, Kugisaki, (Name)!

"Tsk! Demon Dogs!"

My demon dog with black fur emerged from my shadow while I ran as fast as I could heading outside of this facility. I ordered my only remaining demon dog,

"Find Kugisaki and (Name)!"

'But (Name) is with her, I shouldn't be worried if she's strong as what Mr. Ichiji described. But still, I have to find them just to be sure'

Itadori's POV

I watched the Cursed Spirit take off its cocoon and revealed its human-like legs. I chuckled before mocking him in an attempt to calm my panicking state.

"Trying to say it's easier to move around in your underwear?"

'What do I do, though? I tried threatening Sukuna into helping me exorcise this spirit but being the boastful, asshole, and the selfish demon he is, he refused. Damn it! I have no clue how to use cursed energy. But for now, that's fine. I just have to buy ti—'


My train of thought was interrupted when the cursed spirit threw a horrendous blow of his cursed energy at me causing me to get thrown into a wall. Blood streamed out of the corner of my lips and every part of my body hurts like hell. Me, who have yet no proper experience in using cursed energy is holding off this Special Grade Cursed Spirit. Just how stupid can I be?

'What was that? A cursed energy barrier?'

When I looked up, it threw another ball of cursed energy at me and now it caused me to get thrown through the wall and crashed into the other room. My body came rolling down against the ground and I can feel almost every bone in my body break, I doubt I'll even be able to walk properly because of this. 

I sensed another cursed energy directed at me and I immediately stood back on my feet as fast as I could and extended my hand forwards in an attempt to block the huge ball of cursed energy thrown at me. 

I don't know why I did that despite knowing it's pointless because I'm not using any cursed energy to protect myself but maybe, I did this out of sheer instinct to protect myself.

My fingers almost completely turned into ash as I tried blocking the enemy's powerful attack. I grit my teeth while I felt the horrible pain spreading all over my body like a plague. Tears prickled my eyes because of the excruciating pain.

'Ow, ow, ow. This seriously hurts. It feels terrible. Why would I... If I hadn't picked up the finger... If I hadn't eaten it... Back then... Stop! Don't think about it!... No... No... I want to run away. I don't want to die. Even if I die here, is it considered a justified death?'

My cowardice is showing...

I felt my body slowly losing strength, causing me to get carried or blown away by the ball of cursed energy. Then I yelled out to myself.

"Stop thinking about it!!"

'Save others'

'Was I... really this weak?...maybe things would've been different if (Name) was the one who ate that finger'

Your POV

"Kugisaki! (Name)!"

You turned to the voice and saw Fushiguro with an oversized frog beside him, and you instantly knew that it's a shikigami because no frog is as big as that. You looked at him in the eyes and asked calmly.

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