Episode 10

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Today, you, Itadori, and Ichiji are tracking down Junpei, the guy who is suspected to be involved with the crime that happened in the cinema. You three were watching him from within Ichiji's car, slowly following Junpei who only seems normal, he wasn't acting strange whatsoever.

"Wait, casual clothes?"

Itadori asked in confusion. You were a bit confused as well because based on Nanami's description of him, Junpei is a high school student. And today is a school day, so why is Junpei not wearing a uniform and not in school as well?

"He hasn't been to school lately"

Ichiji answered the question that you were just wondering about. Itadori and Ichiji continued to discuss amongst each other while you just sat comfortably in the back seat and looked out of the window with your cheek leaning against your palm. 

Your mind is blank and you couldn't find anything to think about. You ended up just looking up at the sky boredly.


Itadori called out and you turned to him slowly with a half-lidded gaze.

"What is it?"

"We need to follow Junpei by feet now"

Itadori said and you avert your gaze from him before pushing the door open. You walk out and Itadori followed suit, only he walked out on the other side. Ichiji also opens the door on his side, and all of you now stepped out of the car. Junpei was still in sight, so Itadori looked at you with a serious look before you two nodded simultaneously. Both of you understood what needs to be done without exchanging words with each other. Itadori walked ahead first before you and Ichiji followed behind.

Junpei turned a corner and still didn't notice your group stalking him. 

'Does he not have a sense of awareness?'

You thought as you kept your eyes on him. You three then hid behind a near electricity pole and took a peek at Junpei to see where he was going. Ichiji has a caged cursed spirit in his hands to use as a way to get close to Junpei without having to approach him out of the blue. This was also to test if he is indeed a cursed spirit user or just a normal civilian. Ichiji releases the winged cursed spirit but there was a minor mistake and the plan didn't go as specifically planned. The flying yellow cursed spirit quickly flew away from your group, causing Itadori to chase after it, you find Itadori's action to be utterly pointless.

"Itadori! Why are you trying to catch it?! It's still going in Junpei's direction anyway!"

You whisper-yelled at him as you furrowed your eyebrows. You unconsciously gripped the wall behind you that caused that part of the wall to crack. You clicked your tongue in annoyance when the pinkette didn't hear you.

"Stupid salmon head"

"I'm sorry..."

Ichiji meekly apologized as he looked down, an utterly sad expression written on his tired face. You turn to him and reassured him that this wasn't his fault.

"You did it according to plan. Itadori just thought it's necessary to chase after that spirit when it's still coming over in Junpei's direction...I'm gonna go after him, Mr. Ichiji"

You gave him reassuring pats on his back before going after Itadori.

When you skidded to a corner, you saw three people a few meters away from you. A fat guy was speaking to Junpei and Itadori was right above them with the winged cursed spirit in his arms.

Itadori falls to the ground, then, he approaches Junpei in close proximity. He has probably overstepped into Junpei's personal bubble based on his reaction.

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