Additional Chapter

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Note: I wanted to save this as a JujuStroll but it's too long and serious for a JujuStroll. This takes place somewhere in the episodes where Mahito is introduced. I couldn't find a good part in the episodes to add this T-T. So yeah, just a lil mini chap. Enjoy! (I actually planned that you and Mahito knew each other before he was introduced but then again, I couldn't find the right episode to add your interactions with him)

You stepped foot into the station and waited for the train to arrive. Once again, you used your phone as you play the waiting game. You were getting comfortable sitting on the waiting bench along with another person, whom you do not bother to even look at. But then you picked up an aura from a mile away.

An aura of a powerful cursed spirit.

Despite being aware of the entity, you maintained a calm demeanor and looked around casually after you lowered your cursed aura to not be sensed by the entity itself. You scanned the area with a blank face. Nothing seems to be off and no one in the crowd looks suspicious.

That is until light-blue hair that stood out amongst the crowd caught your attention.

'It's him'

You thought as you focused your gaze on the person or rather... the cursed spirit. It turns out to be a man with a unique sense of style. He casually waited for the train along with the humans as if he is one of them, who are—without a doubt—can't see him. You couldn't see his face but only the back of his head.

The passengers continued to wait for the train and when a familiar whirring sound came into the train station, everyone began preparing themselves to board the incoming train. The doors of the train opened and its passengers poured out of the vehicle like ants. You lost sight of the cursed spirit, but you know that he's still somewhere in the crowd. You can feel his presence.

You dislike being in a crowded place, especially being pushed around by strangers. Like, the audacity to push you. So, you decided to wait for the crowd to disperse and enter the train. When it wasn't crowded anymore, you stepped foot onto the train and took a seat. Calmly, you looked around the train to find a certain person. It took you a while since there were quite a lot of people aboard. The train took off and minutes later, you finally found the person you were looking for.

The cursed spirit was leaning against the door frame of the train. He's really far from you so you can't get a better look at him. Finding it useless to use your boring human vision, you used your ability to sharpen your sight. Now, you can observe him way better now. You observed his features in silence. No doubt he is a male. He has stitches on his face and he has a smile on his lips.

'He's dangerous, I can tell'

You thought as you tore your gaze away from him because the spirit will eventually sense that there are eyes on him, watching him intently. You looked down at your skirt and thought to yourself.

'Should I kill him here? But there are too many civilians, it's highly risky. By his cursed aura, I can tell that he's powerful. Killing him here would mean that some innocent lives will be taken'

You closed your eyes and focused.

'I can't do that'

You looked back at the spirit once more and engraved his features into your memory because you will either find him or exorcise him the moment you see him again.

'Isn't this a great opportunity to cause bloodshed? Manslaughter? Do you not want to ease your gluttonous hunger for such heinous actions?'

Your eyes widened before you shut them tightly and clenched your fist so tight that your knuckles turned white. 

'That is your hunger, not mine'

You prayed and prayed that the thoughts will come to a stop and give you peace. After almost a minute of chanting the word 'stop' in your head, you finally managed to have a clear mind. You slowly opened your eyes, you're back in control again. You pull out your phone and checked the map, you're nearing your station already. Just to make sure, you looked back at the spirit one last time.

'But his features shouldn't be hard to forget'

Mahito's POV

I kept my head down low as I boarded the train along with the humans that are the cause of my existence. Though, sadly, everyone seemed peaceful. However, I can feel an underlying emotional distress within them.

The train then announced that we are nearing the station. I smiled even more and looked out of the train's sliding doors beside me. Everything we pass by becomes nothing but just a flash. I was busy looking out of the windows when a chill suddenly ran down my spine, an eerie chill you feel when someone is staring at you.

I whipped my head around to look for the creep but I didn't find anyone suspicious, everyone has their heads down so it's hard to tell.

That's what I thought.

We reached my station and just before the train came to a full stop, I caught a glimpse of a woman staring right at me through the reflection of the door's glass window. And her eyes...her eyes hold no emotion that stared right into my soul. I look around in panic but by the time I did, the doors opened and everyone began pouring out of the train like ants. I tried to look for the woman I saw in the glass window's reflection but to no avail.

'I lost her'

I get the feeling that that woman is a sorcerer, how else would she be able to see me if she's not?

I walked out of the train along with the humans. I highly doubt that she's not a sorcerer, so I tried to find her by locating her cursed energy but avail. It's like she completely disappeared in thin air.

'Maybe I mistook her for a sorcerer and was actually just another cursed spirit? But...that's impossible...a cursed spirit can only have a human-like appearance if they're...No. She's a sorcerer, I know it'

I looked around one more time just to be sure but after realizing that the mysterious woman really is out of sight, I gave up and decided to just go home and brush this off.

(Name) Sunako's POV:

You watched him afar from the corner of the station where he could never find you, the crowd also gave you an advantage because it makes it even harder for him to spot you. You watched him leave the station, you used your senses to feel if he's still in the station by sensing his cursed energy. He noticed you earlier from the train so you shouldn't cross paths with him right now.

Minutes later, you sensed that he's no longer in the train station so this is the signal for you to take your leave. You left the corner and began heading to the place you planned to go to for this afternoon.

'I wonder who that was'

You wondered as you continued to walk. 

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