Episode 7.3

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"Coffin of the Iron Mountain"

The cursed spirit, Jogo, grinned maliciously at your group. He must've assumed that you three are now easy prey since he has activated his domain which will guarantee his kill.

You gave Itadori a side glance and saw him still in a confused trance. You couldn't help but suddenly think that Itadori looks so adorable when he's confused. Especially his eyes.

To free him from confusion, you decided to answer the question that has probably been running in his head for some time.

"Itadori Yuji, this is a Domain Expansion"

"A Domain Expansion?"

"Yes. Remember the Innate Domain we found in the juvenile center? I said that it was an improper domain right? And I also said that if it was a proper domain, you and the rest would've died"

Itadori carefully nodded as he remembered that day.

"Y-yeah...I remember that"

'How can I forget the day I 'died'?'

"Well, this right here is a proper domain, a Domain Expansion. Thus, we can actually die here"

"(Name)'s correct! Domain Expansions are domains built with cursed energy and enforced with sorcery. It uses a lot of cursed energy but it has its advantages as well"

Gojo explains the concept of Domain Expansions to Itadori but you don't have the intention to listen because it's his job to do the lectures. You removed Gojo's hand from your shoulder before focusing on the enemy in case he suddenly attacks you.

And he did.

Jogo created a huge chunk of rocks merged together to form an even bigger rock, you squint your eyes at him and prepared yourself for defense. Then, Jogo directed the huge rock toward your group but you didn't worry too much since you had already anticipated this to happen.

The rock was dashing toward you quickly at first but then it suddenly slowed down the more it got closer to you causing you to wear an expression of confusion.

'This is probably the work of Gojo's Infinity'

Since the huge rock slowed down several inches away from you, it was now easy for you to deflect it.

With a single flick of your finger directed at it, it was immediately blown into smithereens. Your face was unfazed while doing so. Jogo clicked his tongue and grits his teeth in frustration when he watched how you easily destroyed the boulder.

'This brat. Ordinary Jujutsu Sorcerers would've been burned to ashes the moment they entered my domain'

"The sorcery technique granted to them in the domain will definitely hit"



Gojo exclaimed to Itadori, you were focused on Jogo when Gojo placed his hands on your shoulders again with a huge smile and it's starting to annoy you.

'Why is he fond of placing his hands on my shoulders? So troublesome'


Jogo rudely interrupts Gojo.

"If I neutralize your Infinity with a more concentrated domain, my sorcery should probably hit you, right?"

"Yes, it will hit"

"What? Infinity? Do you know what this Infinity is, (Name)?"

"Yes but I am not so sure how to explain it"

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