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(Name) Sunako...

                               Was dead the moment she was born.

(Name)'s POV

"You better not get yourself expelled again (Name). I don't want to be called by my former principal again, it's embarrassing. You understand?"

Aunt Hanabi reminded me as I walked past her towards the table. I didn't reply because I can't guarantee that I'll behave. It's hard to.

"I actually can't even believe they accepted you again after...what you did"

She said as she leaned on the kitchen door frame while I just smirked. Then I placed my bag on the other chair before I sat on my own chair with my other leg over the other. I grabbed the food I have for lunch and munched on it.

It doesn't really taste much just like always.

"Maybe they want the precious prodigy back to...I don't know let the potential students know how great the school is for having me "

I sarcastically said as I continue munching on my food, staring off into space. My Aunt just sighs at my reply.

"(Name), I told you many times that people are not using you for fame"

"I simply doubt that Hanabi-san when the Kyoto Sister School and Tokyo Jujutsu Tech are constantly asking me to enroll in their school"

Flashbacks of my short-lived school days in Jujutsu Tech seeped into my blank mind.

Oh~ the sight of the petrified looks on those spirits while they're slaughtered by my own hands. Playfully messing around with them. Cutting them piece by piece then wait for them to regenerate and then cut them piece by piece again and again, like a mad cycle of pain and suffering.

I let those curses escape from me for a while to let them assume they're safe and have a sliver of hope in their minds. Only for it to be crushed the moment I exorcise them without any warnings whatsoever.

The glimmer of fear and despair reflected in their weird eyes.

I got goosebumps out of satisfaction while I reminisced those memories.

But that doing exactly what got me expelled.

Well those curses deserved it, they were weaklings. They've done nothing but do mischief and bring innocent people's life to an end without any ulterior motive.

You know, just mindless killing.

I dislike those types of curses the most.

If cursed spirits find pleasure in killing humans, then surely there's no problem if a human does the same thing to them right?

Though I have to say, curses appearing every second is annoying and I can't even take break from exorcising them. Since cursed spirits are born from human negative emotions, to keep the cursed spirits population in a minimum, I think we have to work on the humanity's population first.

Specifically, the non-sorcerer humans.

They have to disappear first for these pests to do the same and to keep the rest safe.

Nah that's just crap, I ain't pulling an Eren move.

"But seriously (Name)..."

Aunt Hanabi interrupted my thoughts, I looked at her with one of my eyebrows raised. Then she started pulled a nearby chair before sitting on it, a serious look adorned her facial features.

"As much as I and your parents want you to become stronger, we don't want you to risk your life in the process"

"Hanabi, you do know that I'm—"

A Corpse Shell (Jujutsu Kaisen Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now