Episode 6.4

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'Maybe I really am superior to Sukuna after all!'

With a happy grin on your face like a child who won a prize, you hopped off of the boulder and shoved your hands into your pockets, and decided to take a walk for fresh air.

You feel oddly happy today.

'I don't think I've ever felt her this happy before'

You wondered but the grin that reached from ear to ear is still present on your face.

Wanting to leave it be and not think about it too much, you closed your eyes and just continued to walk on the lonely and quiet pathway.

Your senses caught a lot of things such as birds chirping as they flew around with their friends, the dead leaves that falls elegantly to the ground, and the wind blowing past you every now and then causing your hair to sway along with it.

You were so indulged in the tranquil environment and her happiness that you forgot to sense human presence.


Your eyes shot open when you couldn't feel any ground below your feet, when you looked down you found out that you are about to descend a flight of stairs. Lucky for you though, a person no taller than you were standing in your way with his arms open, ready to catch you when you fall. You looked up at the person's face and realized that it's the boy with white hair and bangs over his eyes.

Toge Inumaki.

You tripped on the first step of the stairs and immediately fell forward but Inumaki caught you with open arms, so your body never reached the ground and didn't roll over the long flight of stairs which could've led to multiple broken limbs.

You fell into Inumaki's arms, both of his hands holding your back ever securely while yours didn't touch him. Inumaki already placed one of his feet on the step behind him to keep him from falling too.

Since you are a lot of inches taller than the male, your face is against the area between his shoulder and collarbone. You could hear his heartbeat just like every other human you met. All of their hearts beat, a single living proof that they are alive. You frowned at the sound you're hearing from inside his chest.

You pulled away from Inumaki and he gladly lets you go, you glided your hands across his arms unconsciously before holding both his hands with such gentleness.

"Sorry for falling onto you, Inumaki-senpai"

You apologized without a smile while looking into his beautiful purple eyes. You were expecting him to say something back but instead, he gave you an 'ok' hand gesture accompanied by a short hum making you raise an eyebrow.

"You can't speak?"


"S-salmon? Huh?"

You sweatdropped at his words, he uses food for words whenever he speaks but you don't speak food language. Thus, whatever he says doesn't make sense to you at all.

You tilt your head at him out of confusion, he closes his eyes as he sweats at your obvious confusion because of not being able to understand him.

Inumaki already knew first meetings like this to turn out into a complete misunderstanding and confusion, so this was really nothing new to him.

So there you two were, standing on top of the flight of stairs, not being able to understand each other's words. You looked at Inumaki with furrowed eyebrows and repeated your question earlier.

"Nod for 'yes', okay? Alright, I'll ask again, you can't speak?"

Inumaki nods.

You released one of his hands and covered your lips with your free hand. A look of concern washed over your features.

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