Episode 5.2

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Sukuna punched Fushiguro very hard on the side of his face and the latter coughed out blood while Sukuna wore a murderous expression. You teleported behind Sukuna and gave him a strong roundhouse kick right on the side of his head, he was tossed far away from you and Fushiguro.

"I can't believe you still hurt kids"

"Stop talking to me like we know each other!"

Sukuna yelled at you before he grunted in pain and coughed out blood and that angered him.

You were able to hurt him AGAIN!

He is full of how you're acting familiar with him when he does not even know you. He just wants to torture and kill you like every other pest in his life once and for all.

You chuckled at how easily he forgot the past.

"Because we indeed do"

What you said was enough to distract Sukuna from Fushiguro's snake coming at him. 

As if the time stopped, he was stuck in a trance when he looked at your calm face but your eyes held burning anger and envy directed at him. He swears he can see lines swirling in your eyes. He was sure that someone looked at him in the same way before.

Fushiguro's Serpent dashed towards Sukuna and held him between its upper and lower lip, restricting his movements. Then it carried him up to the sky and you watched in amusement at how Fushiguro is going to handle Sukuna on his own.

The young man then yelled out to his shikigamis,

"All together now!"

Nue and the Serpent worked together in attacking Sukuna simultaneously but the man was unfazed. While they fought him up the sky, you couldn't help but think.

'I wonder if...I use all of her energy...will we be able to defeat him? No. Not so soon. I need to tease him first and give him a hard smack on the face at how weak he is'

After hearing multiple lightning claps from Nue, the Serpent was suddenly obliterated into pieces and Fushiguro gasped loudly as he watched another one of his shikigamis die in front of his eyes.

You immediately jumped a couple of feet away from Fushiugro because you sensed Sukuna. Fushiguro looked at you with a confused look before he froze on his spot when he sensed the man that killed his Serpent shinigami.

Sukuna clicked his tongue out of annoyance that you jumped away from him before he could land a hand on you.

Fushiguro felt a tug on the back of his uniform and you prepared yourself in case Sukuna is going to pull something out of his sleeves again.

"You are annoyingly quick, woman. But just like what I said, let's make full use of this place!"

Sukuna said before he threw Fushiguro into the forest and then to the sky with immense strength. You looked up with squinted eyes at the direction Fushiguro was thrown into so you'll know where to find him but that did not prevent you from seeing Sukuna running towards you at full speed.

You quickly placed a hand in front of you after you threw the talisman and blocked his hand. You dug your nails into his knuckles and glared at each other.

Then, Sukuna used his other hand in an attempt to punch you but you blocked him again by using your forearm. But gripped onto your forearm instead but you did not wince whatsoever, you just stared at him blankly. Then he lowered his head to your level and asked you in a threatening tone.

"Who the hell are you?"

You smiled at him with your eyebrows furrowed, you were showing no fear despite all his attempts of having you shake in your boots. Sukuna is frustrated at how brave and calm you are in his presence.

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