Episode 8

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"Hey, (Name). Are you sure you're okay with carrying that thing around by yourself?"

"Psh. FYI, I've been carrying baggage as heavy as this for as  long as I can remember. Probably even much heavier"

You proudly huffed at Panda who has been looking at you worriedly ever since he saw you carrying the huge duffle bag on your back.

Where are you, you ask?

You're currently with the second-year students. You're not exactly sure where they are headed but since you've already met up with them, why don't just take a stroll with them? After all, you guys are just going to be at school for more training anyway.

"I thought you have a shikigami to carry that stuff for you, (Name)"

Maki asked as she gave you a judging side glance. She remembered the day you flamboyantly showed them your shikigami that carries your weapons, and you were pretty cocky when you did, Maki could tell from the look on your smug face.

You were enjoying the attention and it was shown on your lips.

You were smugly showing them your weapon-carrying shikigami to them before but now you're carrying who-knows-how-many weapons inside an unusually huge duffel bag.

Back to the current time, if you're wondering what they are talking about, it's about the huge duffel bag on your back. The duffel bag has all the weapons you picked up from your Aunt's house yesterday. You figured it would be nice to use them again because it has been forever since you last used them.

The second years were having their daily stroll when they spotted you heading their way with the aforementioned bag on your back. The bag was as massive and tall as Todo but you were able to carry it with ease, not even a single drop of sweat was present on your skin.

Panda was persistent on insisting you make him carry the bag but you repeatedly refused, with you constantly turning down his offer to help he decided to just let you do as you wish. You weren't having any trouble anyway, but worry still lingers in him while watching you carry it on your own.

You're like a wandering trader.

"I do, but I just want to carry something heavy to exercise my muscles"

Everyone continued to walk until Panda brought up the topic of the Kyoto Sister School's principal and students arriving today. Your ears perked up in interest. Curious, you listened to the second-years' conversation. You want to know or hear about the students who could've been your classmates if you chose the Kyoto school.

'I wonder where Itadori is right now...'


"These two are the substitutes for Okkotsu and the third-year students?"

"Three, actually. But she's away at the moment"

Fushiguro answered nonchalantly as he looked at the two people standing in front of him and Kugisaki.

The second-years from Kyoto Sister School, Todo Aoi and Mai Zenin, began to harass Fushiguro and Kugisaki. Especially Mai. She spoke about how she is 'worried' for them due to the recent death of their classmate. But anyone can see through her lies, she speaks in a worried tone but it never reached her facial features. Mai was not worried, she only pretends so just to rub salt into the first-years' wounds for her own satisfaction.

Mai was degrading Itadori. Calling him a half-cursed monster. Saying it was good riddance that he died.

Her words irked Fushiguro and Kugisaki, putting them in a foul mood. They are obviously not interested in listening or talking to the older female, she was getting on their nerves with her words but because they don't have weapons with them at the moment, they could only scowl silently.

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