~2. Blades and talks~

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I rolled the tip of my fingers repeatedly above one another. The breeze escaping my nostrils stroke along the rim of my lips. My teeth chewed on the inside of my cheek, the noise of it echoing through my skull.

Would anyone else hear it?

Uneasily I connected my pointer with the name on the screen and a second later the ringing sound touched the air, making me shiver from head to toe.

It beeped six times and the time in between each sound felt like an eternity. It was torture. The waiting was just as bad as the idea of having a phone call.

Yet when the call was answered, I almost felt worse.

With a frown upon my forehead and shut eyes, I spoke at first. "I am sorry to disturb you Mrs.- Miss- Cate." My voice brought out at such pace, it sounded like I was just stuttering. Internally I beat myself black and blue.


"Williams, I am short on time." Cate said and a few muttered words in the distance mixed under her voice. Where was she?

"Miss Blanchett, what is so important?" A shallow male tone reached my ear through the phone.

"Nothing, sir. Nothing important."

"I-" And there I was cut off, my mouth hanging loosely in the air, as I zoned out...

"Nothing is fucking important anymore! Don't you get that?!" My mom yelled loud enough to wake me, or at least loud enough I decided to get out of bed again, because I had not slept.


A dream? It must have been a dream, right? I mean, I might actually have just fallen asleep and—

"Have you completely lost it now?!" My dad's voice hollowed through every inch of the house, earning goosebumps to spread all over my body.

No dream.

The blanket wrapped around me was rapidly swung above my legs and my warm, naked feet met the colder ground next to my bed. Tiptoeing into the hallway upstairs, I never took my ears off my parent's words.

"Lydia what's wrong with you?" My dad lowered his voice a bit and I settled down on the staircase, where I was able to watch the two of them talking in the living room.

"Me? Who let him use the car, huh?! I don't think that was me!"

"You started a fight with him and that's why he left in first place!"

My mom went quiet almost instantly and her gaze met my dad's for the first time, since I had sat down. "Marc, don't you dare to shove the fault over to me."

"It's unfair isn't it? Now, look what you've been doing all the time! From the moment on they confirmed his death, you blamed me!" He replied.

"I never said-" my dad interrupted her, whilst the first tear slipped down her cheek.

"Your eyes tell more than your mouth ever did, so don't lie to me now."

"That is not fair." My mom sniffed and quite immediately whined and sobbed as well.

"It is not."

"He was so happy." She cried. "He was our happy boy." And instead of comforting her, my dad crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Why did he not hug mom? She cried!

A soft sniff escaped my body and I took notice of the drops of water on my thighs. The tears had colored my sweats in a darker shade.

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