~17. Psycho~

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TW: Mateo, blood, self infected harm

"You're fucked." James gasped, when I finished the story.

It's self explanatory that I left things out. There was no need to add my mental state. Sure the thing in the bathroom on the class trip was something I put as an accident. He thinks that I slipped in the shower and she helped me out. So the hospital made sense now.

"I know." I spoke stern, growing annoyed at his excitement.

"What are you doing now?" He sipped on his coke and my stomach pulled together. This sweetness must hurt his teeth. "I mean, you can't possibly go back to him."

"It's not that simple. He's struggling..."

"Are you kidding me? He makes you feel uncomfortable and you fantasize about your mistress when you have sex with him." My eyes almost popped outside my orbits.

"Shut up, I don't even know why I told you about that." I groaned and massaged my temples, whilst my face heated up.

Although it was making my face flush red, the thought of her in that outfit made it hard to not drool.

"The full leather fit?"

"Oh fuck off." I hit his arm over the table.

"Please keep those kinky hands of yours to yourself."

"James!" I growled, the annoyance speaking clearly.

"Oh, please don't pull out your whip—" I was about to jump right over the table between us and grab him by the collar, though James was faster when he had placed a few bills in front of him and slipped outside the booth.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" I roared and jogged after him, outside the cafe.

His laughter filled the warm air around us, when we decided the chase was over.

"Oh, Emem..." James slung his arm around my shoulders, as we walked along the busier growing sidewalk.

"I know" I sighed. "Mateo is or was my best friend—" A loud gasp flashed through space and the man next to me flung his hand to his chest.

"I'm pretty sure you just killed me."

I grinned. "What would you be if not dramatic?"

"For sure not a gay man." James blankly spoke, as a matter of fact. "So... we kinda figured who that man is to you. So, tell me, what is Cate to you?"


"I want you to say it. C'mon make your heartbroken friend happy." He bat his eyelashes at me.

"She makes me feel alive. I don't know what it is about Cate. It's so different from anything I know." I frowned, as those words flowed outside my mouth.

I was alive with her. I was free.

"Fuck." James breathed and his big eyes stared at me, before I felt palms cupping my shoulders. "You're falling for her."

"Totally am not. All this is, is sexual attraction."

"Yes, right." The brunette's lips stretched into a thin line. "And actually, I think the man I thought to be madly in love with did not break my heart last night and I went out to drown the pain with alcohol. Totally did not happen." He mocked me and shook his head. "Anygay, I gotta cry my eyes out." James' arms flung around me in a tight hug. "Now give her that call and let her fuck your brains out."

"James, I swear to god!" I roared furiously.

"I'm heartbroken, please kill me!" He chimed whilst speed walking away.

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