~19. Preparations.~

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"What cha doin'?" My voice rang like a bell in school through the hallow hallways. Ivy green eyes gloomed, as they looked up form his notebook. The dimples next to the corners of his mouth popped out. "Making more of those sketches? Lemme see."

Cayden closed his notebook right in front of my eyes. Shoved underneath the old and beige pillow —which certainly has not always had this color— he got up.

"What about we look at that sketchy guy from your physics class?"

"Guzman?" I laughed. "Oh, you'd be surprised how nice he acts now. Pulls my chair out before I get to the classroom."

It was such a silly thing.

"I threatened to give him great seizures and cut him open, to dump him in the woods for wolves to eat and rip him apart. If he looked at you or thought about letting his hand slip too far across the table."

"Not so surprised then. Got it. So, you were the reason he ran out crying in the middle of class?"

Why in the middle? He must have talked to him right before. But why would he break down almost forty minutes into class? The way that boy ran out of class seemed like he had just been told his father had gotten into an accident.

"Certainly." Cayden nodded, before I threw myself onto the bed and on top of a bunch of his nerdy hoodies.

"Geez, don't you ever clean up? What if a girl wants to come over?"

His eyes darted at me, basically telling me 'really?'. "You think I would let anyone come over? Common, you know I know better than that." My brother's brows rose. "And don't put me into a box. I need to grow my wings and allow my creativity to rise." He chuckled at his own stupidity.

"You some sort of prophet? Herold of hell messenger?" I mocked him.

"You better zip it up, until you realize the qualities of a man, are not dominating and mocking you at any given chance. Don't accept it when a boy is mean or hits you 'playfully'. Society says it's normal for them. Boys will be boys. But fuck this. No man treats anyone like that."

I felt like he was saying 'look at me. I know how to be kind'.

I blankly stared at him and nodded before getting onto my elbows.

"Ever considered to make posters or open a tumblr—"

A harsh smash with that dirty beige pillow hit me right in the face. Next all his weight crushed onto me.

"Where did I go wrong with you?"

"It's not you." We locked eyes and the conversation suddenly was not all jokes and laughter. "It wasn't you."

It's mom.

Suddenly he got up, next I am holding a painting in my hands. A rough canvas. It's showing a view I am familiar with.

"The garden?"

"The—" Then I noticed what kind of details he actually put in. The purple, sage and yellow little dots caught my attention.

"Flowers." I finished his sentence with a grin on my lips...

"Hey," His dominant floral parfum hit me and I was thrown out of my daydream.

Smiling, I greeted James, who looked a lot better than what I had in mind from months ago.

"Done?" I sipped on the steaming warm liquid and leaned back into the couch.

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