~21. Agents.~

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*Cate's POV*

"When you know you'll have like... a day left to live, what would you do? -who would you want to spend it with?" I chewed on a handful of popcorn, hoping to release the stress coming up

The teeth-aching-sweetness was glued to my teeth.

I scoffed. "Meryl Streep for sure."

Emery rolled her eyes and glared at me. "I was being honest, Cate."

"So was I." I grinned, obviously showing the sarcasm again, yet I hoped to drop the topic of apocalyptic scenarios she was painting in her mind. So, my hand slid underneath the woman's chin. "It will be alright."

"You don't know that." She spit out and my touch was removed. "I'm—"

"Sorry? Yeah, I know." I huffed; my heart ached.

My jaw clenched, withholding the information that would cause the brunette to pack her bag and leave for good. After the phone call with Charly last night, it became even clearer to me that I had to keep some information to myself. Because it was clear that Emery's skills did not lay heavy in acting. She would not be able to act as if she had no idea, when a sociopathic serial killer stood face to face with her. There was not one thing that would ease me either. I don't believe anyone would manage to act, no one who has not been given a proper lesson on "how to behave around a killer" would be able to do this.

"Don't you understand how difficult this is for me?" Her brows furrowed, the skin on her forehead wrinkling. I swallowed the last bit of caramel popcorn and turned towards her. "You are not the one who has to put her trust in everyone, because her life depends on it."

She had to play that card didn't she? And whatever it was that drove me to say my next words, was what I blamed onto the stress because of our situation.

"Oh, you think I have no idea of how you are feeling? You're right. But did you ever think about my feelings? How terrifying it is for me to send you out there? To know you'll be alone with that killer at some point?" Her face was blank and I whispered a quiet "fuck", realizing I told her about what I was meant to keep to myself.

Emery's eyes stared like daggers.

And after a few seconds of utter silence, the woman breathed out a singular word. "What?" I stayed quiet. Charlize's voice echoed through the phone, reminding me to keep my mouth shut. It was the only way to save Emery's life. If she didn't know the truth about the man she'd shared a bed with for months, she'll manage to get over with this day. "Cate."

I had to do this a different way. "No, you don't get to lecture. This whole situation with that son of a bitch stresses everyone the fuck out. And I have been patient and I have been kind. I did it all to ease you. So put your trust in me for once."

"For once?" The brows on her face only furrowed further. "I have never before trusted anyone like I trust you, Catherine. So don't you turn this around."

Eyes following her back, I swallowed. The brunette shot up and was about to exit the living room, though I couldn't let her walk out like that.

"Williams—" I got up myself, though the pace in her turn towards me was almost swifter.

"Don't. Just don't." She growled, the fury ringing in her tone. "He is a killer? What else are you not telling me, Cate? Will you make me feel guilty about not knowing anything about him? Because there sure as hell is no need to. I already blame me. I should have seen it. I was blind. I get that it was my mistake, okay?" She exhaled sharply. "But don't you tell me getting myself into danger does not affect you. You are not the one to face that man tomorrow. Or maybe I shouldn't do it—"

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