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Aurelia looked around and noticed she was once again in the 'Prison World' as Kai had called it "Okay so I know I'm dreaming now but why am I dreaming about this place" She wondered out loud as she walked out of the house and into the street.

She hears a whistle as she walks down and Kai comes up beside her "You again?"

She turns to look at him "Yep and I'm a little more informed this time... this is a dream, the last time I woke up I was back in my bedroom at home."

He looks over at her "Hmmm it might be a dream for you but this is my reality... You leave when you wake up but I don't and I'm left on this empty planet, once again to resume my eternity of aloneness"

Aurelia looks at him sadly "Oh my God... That's terrible and so sad. No one deserves to be alone no matter what they've done"

Kai looks at her silent for a moment "You don't even know me or why I'm here"

Aurelia smiles at him "I don't have to know what you did or who you are to believe that nobody deserves to be alone... Everyone needs a friend that they can talk to about everything and I'm going to be that friend for you"

He looks at her surprised for a second before he schools it "Well you wouldn't want to be that friend if you knew"

Aurelia rolls her eyes turning to face him "I don't care why you're here... almost everyone has things that they've done that they regret or maybe you don't regret it but it's in the past now... what matters is what you do moving forward... dwelling on the past never accomplishes anything"

He opens his mouth to say something but then he closes it again as if thinking about what to say "That is really good advice you know?"

Aurelia smiles "I know... that advice, well it was worded differently but it still applies was given to me a few months ago"

He looks at her "Really? The two times I've talked to you, you seem too optimistic for that to have been given to you"

Aurelia smiles at him "Well four months ago I wasn't so optimistic... my parent's car ran off a bridge with my sister in the backseat, my sister survived but my parents didn't, so there for a while, I was kinda like a shell of myself and then one day it was about a month after the funeral I met this stranger while I was sketching in the park and for some reason, I told him about my parents and he looked at me for a minute and then said "Everyone goes through a tragedy at some point in their life but it can only push you down while you let it... it's in the past, what matters now is what you do moving forward because dwelling on the past never accomplishes anything" and after that, I started focusing on the good things in my life again and I was more or less back to myself "

Kai looks at the girl truthfully not sure how to respond to what she just told him "Wow uhhh"

She laughs, noticing the expression on his face, "Yeah not really sure how to respond to that huh?"

He nods "my people skills are a little rusty like I said the last time you are the first person I've had to talk to since I was locked away in here and even before that I was more of a loner anyway so guess my people skills have always been rusty"

"I used to be extremely shy and quiet, that is until I met Caroline, she's my best friend in the entire world and I don't mind it all that much but most people tend to focus more on my sister but not Caroline she approached me before my sister and we became best friends right there" Aurelia shakes her head "Sorry you probably don't care about that"

Kai smiles slightly at her "I never really had a best friend... well I guess at one point my twin sister could've been considered my best friend" Aurelia looks at him for a moment and just for a second she catches a twinge of what looks like sadness before it's gone. "what happened?" he sighs "it's a long story and has to do with why and how I got locked away in here"

Aurelia nods "Gotcha and we don't have to talk about that... I'm not one to push you to talk about something if you don't want to... which is why my little brother currently likes me better than our older sister because I don't push him to talk and I don't baby him the way she does, she's my sister and I love her. But nevertheless, she gets on my nerves so much and sometimes legit makes me angry and I have to walk away to calm down, I don't get where my temper comes from because neither my mom nor dad had a temper and honestly neither do my brother or sister for that matter it's just me, it's weird and I have no idea why I'm telling you all of this... I ramble sometimes."

He chuckles at her "It's okay... I don't mind... at least I don't have to listen to myself talk"

Aurelia smiles "That must be so lonely... I don't know why I ended up here but I'm glad that I did because I get to help, even if it is only giving you someone to talk to"

Once again before Kai has a chance to answer her. Aurelia wakes up, she sits up with a smile on her face this time not even freaked out in the slightest like she was before. She notices that it's 3 am and while the image is still fresh in her mind she gets her sketchbook off her nightstand and once again she sketches another picture of Kai only this time she shades in the color of his eyes.

Those gorgeous stormy blue eyes that she hadn't been able to forget about since she first met him.

Aurelia smiles once she finishes the sketch then she closes her sketchbook and sighs looking over at the clock on her nightstand that now reads 6 am.... she didn't realize that it took her 3 hours to finish her sketch she got so wrapped up in it.

Aurelia gets up and puts her sketchbook back into her bag that way she'll have it at school during her free period. She walks into her bathroom and takes a shower getting ready for school.

She shoots a text at Caroline just to make sure that she is still driving her to school but unlike usual she doesn't get a reply which causes her to call her blonde best friend but once again there isn't an answer Aurelia frowns thinking 'Guess I'll have to find a different ride to school this morning.' 

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