𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙

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Aurelia opened her eyes to find herself in the Prison World and she couldn't help the smile that slipped on her face as she skipped, yes skipped downstairs expecting to see Kai but he isn't there so that means he doesn't know that she was there yet.

But he will know soon he can always feel it when she shows up, she walks into the kitchen and sees a newspaper on the counter all she gets to read before Kai walks in is the heading 'FAMILY MASSACRED IN PORTLAND'

"Hey, Sunshine" she sits the paper down and smiles "Hey... I want to show you something, I just found out that I could do this" she excitedly makes her way to where she knows her mom keeps her candles and grabs a few and brings them back into the kitchen, she sits them out. She has a grin on her face "just watch"

She closes her eyes like Shelia told her and clears her mind and pictures the candles lighting in her mind, she opens her eyes and all three of the candles are lit. She turns to Kai with a smile "that's all I know how to do"

Kai smiles at her "you have magic" she nods "yeah and what happened with Damon the other night is what tapped into it, that anger that I felt is what tapped into the magic, or at least that Shelia told me when I asked her about it"

Kai can't help the smile that slips on his face at the excited look on Aurelia's face, he can't pinpoint what it is about this girl that makes him feel things, things that he's never felt before, she makes him want to care about her and it frustrates him that he can't figure out why but what frustrates him more is the fact that he likes that he cares about her.

He's never been good with emotions anyway, growing up an outcast and in an abusive household will do that to somebody. But she's different like she's his light in the dark, it's the real reason he started calling her Sunshine not that he would ever admit that out loud, but being able to see her and talk to her makes his life a little more bearable.

If it had been anyone else he wouldn't have hesitated to take their magic and try and escape but not her, Kai doesn't want to hurt Aurelia and he honestly doesn't think he could hurt her even if he tried which is another thing that frustrates him not knowing why that is.

He's grown to rather enjoy her company which is why he's held off on telling her the reason he was locked in there, to begin with, he's afraid that she won't want to talk to him anymore and that he'll be left there all alone once again.

Aurelia smiles looking at him thinking 'how am I supposed to bring up the soulmate thing? that's not something that can just casually be brought up in conversation.'

That's when he sees the newspaper and he looks back at Aurelia "did you read the newspaper?" Aurelia shakes her head "I started to but I didn't get past the heading before you came in and then I got distracted... why?"

Kai sighs knowing that he's gonna have to tell her now or she's gonna read it in the paper and he would rather Aurelia hear it from his perspective. "I'm gonna tell you what I did, what got me locked in here.... and I'd rather you hear it from my perspective than the way they painted in that paper"

Aurelia nods as it kinda dawns on her "the family massacred Portland that was your family?" he nods at her "my coven to be more precise about it and I'm the one who killed them" Aurelia nods looking at him deciding to give him the chance to explain it before she jumped to any kind of conclusion for all she knew they could've deserved what happened "okay I'm sure you had a reason... you didn't just wake up one day a decide 'hey I'm gonna kill my family today' right?"

Kai has to bite back a smile at that "Yes..... in the Gemini Coven, they have a tradition to become the leader of the coven the twins have to merge on or after their 22nd birthday, Jo and I were supposed to do the merge but my coven.... no, my family decided that they didn't want to take the chance that I might actually win even though they rarely gave me access to magic, so they had another set of twins... Lukas and Olivia, they all decided that they would rather wait until they were old enough to do the merge than take the chance that I could beat Jo and would be coven leader..... my whole life from the moment they found out I was different they outcasted me, they said I was an abomination, they called me a monster because I wasn't like them, so when I found out what they wanted to do something inside of me snapped and I became the monster they already thought I was... I killed four of my siblings, tried to kill Lukas and Olivia, and tried to gut my twin sister that night I ripped out her spleen with a hunting knife, the next day Jo agreed to merge with me and our whole coven came out but instead of merging us, they used the power of the eclipse to send me here..... when you hear something pretty much your whole life..... you eventually start to believe yourself, they wanted a monster so I gave them one when I was a kid I used to love my family, I idolized my father, the great coven leader, and I wanted to be just like him, and then when we found out about my magic.... after that is when I found out that my father was the real monster but it was just to me none of my siblings ever saw that side of him just me, he used to beat me just because he could, he'd find something to blame on me, even if I didn't do it and that is what lead me to not caring about anything really, they said I became a sociopath and I rather liked it because I didn't have to care anymore..... so, in the end, they created to monster I became"

Aurelia looks at him with tears in her eyes. She doesn't hesitate to pull him into a hug and it honestly took him by surprise but eventually, he returned the hug wrapping his arms around the girl in front of him "I'm so sorry, that they treated you like that..... I can't imagine hearing all of that every day, it's a wonder you didn't snap before then honestly" he pulls back from the hug looking at her and he wipes a tear off her face "I'm surprised you even want to stick around after that"

Aurelia looks up into his eyes "Kai at this point I don't think I could walk away even if I wanted to..... yeah what you did was kinda fucked up but it wasn't completely your fault they pushed you to that point and I don't have in me to abandon you like everybody else has. I meant what I said I don't care what you did, it's in the past now" he smiles at her actually smiled, not a smirk but a real genuine smile "what makes you so different? before you showed up here I was like being a sociopath but with you it's different... and I have no idea why"

Aurelia smiles still looking into his eyes "well I guess I can answer that... I didn't know how to bring up the other thing that I found out from Shelia up but I guess that's as good a way as any, after the second time I was here I went and talked to Sheila, I was as vague as I could be about the whole situation but basically, I wanted to know why I could see into a prison world so she did some research for me, I gave her no details whatsoever by the way and she called me yesterday afternoon and said she had the answers I was looking for so I went over there and she told me there were only two ways that it was possible for me to be able to do it. This is what she told me word for word 'well from what I found the only way you could see into a prison world at all is if one you know the spell that allows you to do that but since you had no idea about prison worlds before this happened that wouldn't be the case here so the only other option is that whoever is locked in the prison world that you can see into is your soulmate' and after she said that it kinda made sense"

Before Kai has a chance to say anything to her Aurelia is woken up by her sister, the younger Gilbert gives her sister a go-to-hell look "I was having a really important conversation in that dream you just woke me up from.... what do you want Lena?"

The older Gilbert looks surprised at the tone her sister was using "how long have you known about Stefan and Damon?" the younger Gilbert rolls her eyes "you couldn't have waited a few more hours for that question? Seriously? you woke me up from my dream where something important was happening for that?"

Elena nods "yeah it was a dream it can't be that important.... are you gonna answer my question?" Aurelia rolls her eyes, biting back a retort about how wrong Elena was about the dream but instead, she blows out a breath "I've known since Mr. Tanner's death, I went to get paper towels for Jeremy and on the way back I saw Stefan and Damon talking so I hid behind a car and eavesdropped and once Damon was gone I came out and let Stefan I was there" she held her wrist up "the bracelet mom gave me for my birthday has vervain on it meaning he couldn't compel me so he had no choice but to tell me, made me promise to keep my mouth shut so I kept his secret and the necklace that I gave Caroline has vervain infused into it just like my bracelet does so she can't be compelled anymore...... Now can I go back to sleep? it's 2 o'clock in the morning"

Elena walks out of her sister's room and Aurelia lays back down going back to sleep but she isn't put back into the prison world like she had hoped she would be. 

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