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Aurelia opened her eyes and was relieved because she was in the Prison World, which meant that she could finally check on Kai and ease her worries and maybe find out what happened and why she hadn't been able to be there for the past few nights.

She made her way downstairs but was confused since Kai wasn't waiting for her like he usually is when she arrived, but she shrugged it off and figured that he just hadn't felt her appearance yet, because he feels it every time when she gets there.

The brunette made her way out of her house and set out to see if she could find Kai. She looked around for a bit and didn't find him so her next stop was the Grill she had hoped to find him there.

Aurelia opened the doors to the grill and a feeling of relief washed over her as she saw Kai sitting at the bar. She walked up to him and lightly touched his arm, he seemed more distracted than she had seen him before.

At the touch, he reflexively grabbed her wrist and accidentally siphoned from her making Aurelia wince, "Ow, Mal it's okay, it's just me."

He immediately dropped her wrist "Oh, hey sunshine, sorry about that..."

She took a seat beside him, "It's okay, it was an accident, you do seem jumpier than normal though... what happened?"

"Nothing." but he answered it a little too quickly for Aurelia to believe it.

The brunette girl shrugged her shoulders "Okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to but, I've been told I'm a great listener if you decide you want to talk about it." she didn't want him to think that he had to tell her if he didn't want to but that she was there if he did want to talk.

Kai seeing what she was saying was grateful that she wasn't going to force him to tell her if he didn't want to, but he took a drink out of the bottle of bourbon that he was drinking and decided to tell her what had happened a few days ago. "Well it's been a rough few days sunshine, my so-called father likes to randomly show up sometimes, he likes to rub it in my face and remind me how much of a failure and abomination I am and to torture me more, like being trapped in this empty wasteland isn't enough for him, he has to physically see me suffer, it brings him joy."

Aurelia clenched her jaw, she really hated Joshua Parker, with a burning passion, from the bottom of her soul. "So you had something to do with why it felt like I was tethered to the real world when I went to sleep instead of being about to be here?"

He nodded "Yeah I didn't know if it would work but I really didn't want you showing up while dear old Dad was here... if he knew about this about you being able to be here he would find a way to stop just to make me miserable because nothing brings him greater joy than seeing me suffer."

Aurelia nodded at him understanding where he was coming from about that... and the brunette didn't hesitate to pull him into a hug "I am so sorry Mal." She pulled back from the hug "I swear if I ever meet him he is going to catch these hands on site I am just going to start throwing punches he's not even gonna know what hit him."

That made the siphon smile slightly as a warm feeling bubbled up in his chest, he hadn't had anyone care about him in a long time, the last person that even showed an interest in him was someone that only he could see, he saw the man, throughout his childhood (though it stopped once he was locked away in the prison world), he became Kai's best friend and that was the only family he had ever needed since his biological family treated him like crap, but here was this bubbly brunette that just randomly appeared in his life, and she actually wants to be around him even knowing what got him locked away in here. He gave her an amused look "You know sunshine, I would pay good money just to see that... he wouldn't even see it coming, and boom you attack."

Aurelia grinned seeing Kai smile, that was her main goal there to try and make him smile, and mission accomplished... "you know before I met you I had never hated anyone as much as I hate your father now."

Kai snorted "Dear old dad has that effect on people..." he smirked slightly remembering what his 'imaginary' friend said once about his father after witnessing one of the punishment sessions that he put Kai through.

"What?" Aurelia gave him a confused look.

"You know I didn't mention this before because well at the time I didn't know why but I didn't want you to think that I was crazy but now I know it was because of the whole soulmates thing, but when I was a child I had did have a best friend, besides Josette, but for some reason that I still don't know, I was the only person that could see him, but I was remembering something that he said about my father, after hearing you say that about him."

Aurelia nodded, she was intrigued by that, she remembers reading something about that, in one of Sheila's grimoires during one of their sessions, "okay, well that's interesting actually because I think I read something about that, but I can't remember exactly what it said, it was something about if you saw someone that nobody else could see, that it was because you had some kind of connection to them, but I don't remember anything else... I'll have to find that so I can tell you exactly what it said... I can only imagine what that would be."

Kai gave her a surprised look "Really? You read about that? Well it was something along the lines of "i thought my father was bad, but yours, yours could make a priest rethink their religion just to strike him down."

"Yeah I was reading through one of Sheila's grimoires and saw something about it," then she burst out laughing at what he said, "well I mean he's not wrong..." she said through her laughter.

He felt that feeling bubble up again at hearing her laugh... not that he would ever admit it to anyone but her laugh was probably his favorite sound now, that and hearing her sing but he would never admit that out loud though.

Aurelia was woken up by Elena, "Aurelia get up."

The younger girl let out an annoyed breath "Five more minutes." she really wasn't ready to wake up yet.

"Well if you don't get up now, you're going to be late for school."

Aurelia rolled her eyes but sat up in her bed anyway, not noticing the smirk on Elena's face as she walked out of the room.

I had this idea about the 'imaginary' best friend while I was writing this chapter and had to run with it XD, so wonder who this mysterious 'imaginary' best friend is? Of course, I know but I want to see if you can guess who it is though.

So who do you think it is?

And what did Elena do to make her look so smug? Guess we'll have to wait and see in the next chapter XD. I couldn't resist the little cliffhanger. 

Also Kailia>>>>

I love them so much. 

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