𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕙𝕦𝕙?

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Aurelia opened her eyes kinda startled before she realizes that she was just in Kai's prison world, she lets out a breath and gets up and heads downstairs, and drops down on the couch waiting on Kai to show up she chews on her bottom lip, it's a bit of a habit she has when's she upset about something.

All she can think about is that she ended a man's life, she straight up emptied the clip from his own gun into him.

Kai walked into the house already knowing that is where Aurelia is going to be but the minute he sees her and he knew something was wrong, she isn't smiling like she normally is.

He sits beside her "Hey Sunshine" she shakes her head and looks at him and smiles "hey" he instantly can see that the smile isn't completely genuine because her eyes didn't light up the way they normally do when she smiles.

Kai looks her in the eye "alright sunshine, what's going on? What happened?" She shakes her head "nothing" and then she averts her eyes from his.

Kai reaches over and lifts her chin up to where she's looking at him again "come on now sunshine don't lie to me" Aurelia bites her lip and then sighs trying her best to hold back the tears "I did something tonight... something really bad and I guess I'm still processing what happened... I don't know"

He lays a hand on her shoulder in a comforting way "it couldn't have been that bad" she locks eyes with him and that's when the dam breaks and the tears roll down her face "I killed someone... I ended a man's life, I mean yeah he was a prick and he hurt people that I care about but he didn't deserve to die, it didn't give me the right to shoot him, but I did and he's dead and I guess I don't know how to process it... It's the first really violent thing that I've ever done and I just feel so bad about it.... like this ball of guilt is like eating at me from the inside"

Kai doesn't say a word not wanting to make it worse so he just pulls her into a hug and he lets her cry it out just running his fingers through her hair trying to help calm her down.

After she calms down slightly she looks up at him she still has tears in her eyes but they stopped falling "I just feel like a monster, he wasn't innocent but that doesn't mean he deserved to die" Kai looks her in the eyes "you're not a monster, sunshine... you are the furthest thing from a monster that you can get"

she let out a breath "Thank you and I'm sorry about that" he shakes his head at her "don't be it's okay Lia" she cracks a small smile at him "another nickname?" he nodded at her "yeah seemed like you could use something to make you smile even just a little bit... so you gonna be okay?" she smiles at him "Well now you have two for me and I don't one for you. So I'm gonna assume that Kai is short for Malachi but since you don't go by that you don't like it so what I'm gonna do is call you Mal now I have a nickname for you and yeah I'll be okay.... talking about it honestly helped a lot..... I'm really glad that I have you to talk to... can we change the subject?"

He nods at her with a chuckle "You would be spot on about that Lia and I like it nobody's ever used that one, and of course, we can Sunshine whatever you want... So soulmates huh? You know after you disappeared the last time I started thinking and knowing that little bit of information it all started making sense as to why everything was different with you" Aurelia smiles slightly "I wasn't expecting that to be the reason that I could be here when I go to sleep sometimes... I've noticed it doesn't happen every time I go to sleep but the reasoning took me by surprise, but like you said it made sense after I thought about it"

He pulls her up from the couch and Aurelia gives him a look "What are you doing?" Kai smirks at her "we are going to the store and getting Ice Cream and then I am gonna distract you from all those thoughts running around in that pretty little head of yours... even if it's just for a little while"

She can't help but smile at him "Thank you" he grabs her hand and pulls her out of the house "You're welcome sunshine, If I can make you feel better then it's no issue at all" Aurelia smiles as he pulls her down the street towards one of the two grocery stores in town.

They get into the store and Kai looks at her "what kind of Ice Cream?" Aurelia thinks for a minute "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.... duh" Kai nods at her "alright then you got it" he grabs the biggest tub of ice cream that they have in the freezer, then they go through the store grabbing a few other things and the end up in the park.

Aurelia lays the blanket that she grabbed from the store down on the ground and they both sit on the blanket the tub of ice cream between them and Aurelia gets a spoon handed to her as she opens the ice cream tub.

Kai tells her stories from his childhood before they turned their backs on him, when things were actually good in his family, mostly stories of him and Jo. Making her laugh at the funny ones, very much succeeding in distracting her just like he said he was going to and Aurelia told him stories from her childhood as well mostly revolving around her and Caroline or the times she broke something of Elena's when they were kids.

Aurelia wakes up from the dream feeling so much better than when she went to sleep... just having someone to talk to about it, someone that wouldn't judge her for it, of course, she's gonna tell Caroline a little bit about it maybe not the extent of what happened but she will definitely tell her a little and about the dream, like she always does. 

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