ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣: 𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕋𝕚𝕖𝕤

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Aurelia walks into the kitchen to see her Aunt glaring at the TV "Scum ball. Scum bucket." Aurelia looks at her "Who are you talking about?" she points to the TV "him" Elena looks at the tv "the news guy?"

Jenna nods "Also known as Logan "Scum" Fell. Did your mom ever tell you guys why I moved away from Mystic Falls?" Aurelia shakes her head "No but you and him?" then she scrunches up her nose as Elena looks at the tv and then back at her aunt "Oh, no way. You and him? He's cute."

Jenna shakes her head "He is not cute. There's nothing cute about him. What are you doing with that?" Aurelia chuckles "I'm gonna have to agree with Jenna he's not that cute" Elena smiles at her younger sister then turns back to their aunt " I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood, she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display."

"Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?" Elena nods "Originally it was great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring." Jeremy walks up behind Elena "How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on eBay?" Elena looks at him "You're not gonna find out." Jeremy crosses his arms "That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away." "I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy." before anybody else can say anything the doorbell rings and Elena goes to get it.

Aurelia walks out of the kitchen and up to her room to get ready she's meeting Caroline and Bonnie at the grill.

As she is walking out of her room she sees Stefan and smiles at him "hey did you get what I asked for?" he nods and hands her the necklace box "it's a vervain necklace it'll keep Damon from being able to compel her anymore" Aurelia nods "thank you"

Aurelia walks up to them as Bonnie looks at Caroline "You're taking Damon to the founder's party? What about me?" Caroline shrugs "Go with Elena."

"She's asking Stefan." Caroline shrugs again "Okay, go by yourself." Bonnie rolls her eyes "Gee, thanks."Aurelia laughs "it's okay Bon... I don't have a date either so I'll be your date" Bonnie smiles at her "thank you, Aurelia. What about your mom? Is she okay with you bringing Damon?" Caroline gives her a look "And I'm supposed to care why?"

"He's older sexy danger guy." Caroline laughs "Older sexy danger guy? Is that an official witch Twitter tweet?" Aurelia bites her lip she now knows that Bonnie really is a witch but she decides not to say anything because it isn't her place.

Bonnie shakes her head "No more witch jokes, okay? That whole Mr. Tanner prediction thing has me freaked." Caroline shrugs "Okay. And Damon's not dangerous. You know, he just has a lot of issues with his brother. You know, like major, deep-rooted drama."

Bonnie looks at her "Like...?" Caroline bites her lip "I'm not really supposed to say anything." Aurelia snorts "like that's even stopped you" Bonnie gives the blonde a look "Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secret in your life?" Caroline caves "Okay. But you can't tell Elena."

Aurelia smirks "ohhhh scandalous"

Bonnie shakes her head "No."

Bonnie smiled at Aurelia "I'll pick you up for the party" Aurelia nods "okay" then Bonnie leaves and Aurelia looks at Caroline "There was something that I wanted to talk to you about Care" the blonde turns to her "what's up El? Did you have another one of those dreams you told me about?"

Aurelia nods "yeah but that's not what this is about it's about Damon" "what about him?" "You need to stay away from him Care-bear he's dangerous, I can't tell you everything right now but just trust me on this, please. Caroline, I promise I will tell you everything later but for now you just have to trust me"

Caroline smiles "I love you El and I know you're just being protective but Damon is not dangerous" Aurelia sighs "fine..... I got you something, promise me you'll never take it off?" Caroline smiles "of course El" She pulls the necklace box out and slides it over to the blonde.

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