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Aurelia opened her eyes looking around slightly freaked out by what just happened she turned into a freaking wolf noticing that she was in one of the dreams where she would get to see Kai but after everything she just found out not even being there made her smile like it usually did but she blew out a breath and made her way downstairs and as per usual Kai was down there it's become sort of a tradition that they always meet up at her house.

He smiles at her "Hey Sunshine" Kai has really gotten used to her being there now and for the first time in a really long time, he remembers what it was like to care about someone other than himself and he doesn't care that he cares about her now that he knows that's because of the soulmates thing, he likes that he cares about the bubbly brunette. "Hey" by now he knows Aurelia enough to know that something is wrong.

He looks up at her "Sunshine, what's wrong? What happened?" she blows out a breath as she sits beside him on the couch tears well up in her eyes "I just found out that my life has pretty much been a lie... For 16 years it never made sense why my dad acted the way he did with me..... But I get it now, he knew that he wasn't really my dad, I don't know how he knew I guess it's just one of those things that you just know... Oh and to make the situation better I just turned into a freaking wolf"

Kai nods "alright then let's start from the beginning yeah?" Aurelia nods "okay so Tyler and I overheard a phone call between my aunt Jenna and his dad Richard and turns out his dad is actually my dad..... Tyler and I were born 9 days apart... he's only 9 days older than me and we're half-siblings but that's beside the point..... I'm not even a Gilbert... My whole life has been a lie"

She takes a deep breath trying to reign in her emotions the best she can because she knows that Kai isn't the best with emotions once she calms down a little bit she looks at him "I don't know how I can face them now... well, my aunt, she doesn't know that I know the truth and I don't know how to confront her about it... I know she was trying to protect me by not telling me but still, I overheard it and now I have no idea what to do about it... Then to make things better there is the whole wolf thing... I don't even know where to start with that and I don't know how it happened or why it happened or why it happened to me"

"Werewolf..... Would be the correct term... I don't know much about them but I do know that to trigger the werewolf 'curse' you have to kill somebody" Aurelia closes her eyes remembering that she killed Logan Fell "dammit"

He looks at her remembering the last time she was there "Which you did" Aurelia opens her eyes again "yep it was this douche named Logan Fell, I told you the basics of it when it happened but I apparently emptied a clip of wooden bullets into his chest... I don't even remember doing it, I remember seeing the gun on the ground and then looking at him and getting angry then it's like I blacked out and a few minutes later I was back and I had the gun in my hand and his chest was riddled with bullet holes and I had no memory of picking the gun up or pulling the trigger."

Kai nods looking at her "Rage blackouts are common in untriggered werewolves or so I've read... but it would seem that may be true...is that the first time you've blackout like that?"

Aurelia nods "yeah... I mean I've gotten angry before but never like that, never to the point I blacked out"

Kai looks at her "what did he do that made you that angry?"

Aurelia bites her lip "He hurt my aunt Jenna and he was hurting my friends or well trying to hurt my friends and I just got really angry and when I saw the gun is when I blacked out then it felt like every bone in my body was breaking for a minute then it was over..... I guess the bones breaking meant that the werewolf curse was broken because that's what happened when I turned every bone in my body broke and reformed into that of a wolf" then she pauses and pouts "dammit now I owe Tyler 20 bucks"

He looks at her a slight smirk on his face "why?"

Aurelia smiles "Well he refused to leave as I was turning and he looked up and said it was a full moon and pretty much said I was turning into a werewolf but I didn't think that's what was happening so he bet me 20 bucks that he was right and I took the bet and well look at that I'm a werewolf"

He laughs and she gives him a look "It's not funny Mal, now I'm out of 20 bucks" he gives her a teasing look "it was a little funny Lia" she sticks her tongue out at him and shoves his shoulder playfully "nope, it was not funny" he pokes her in the side and she jumps slightly "yeah it was... ohhh is someone ticklish in that spot"

Her eyes widen slightly "No, why would you think that?" he smirks poking her in the side again making her squeal slightly "that right there might have given it away just a little" Aurelia gives him a look "don't even think about it" he just smirks at her, she gives him another look "I'm serious Mal don't even think about it"

He smirks at her again "think about what sunshine? Doing this?" then he pokes her in the side again making her squeal again but this time she can't help but laugh, and suddenly it's just like all of her problems disappeared and all that mattered was what was happening at that moment.

Then she woke up to the sun shining on her face, she opened her eyes to see she was in the woods and she was naked with a blanket wrapped around her she looks around and she sees Tyler who smiles at her "I found you curled up so I went and got you a blanket and brought you some clothes to put on" he tosses the bag down.

She smiles "thanks Ty" he turns around as she stands up the blank still wrapped around her she put the clothes she was given on "you can turn around now" he turns and smirks at her "you turned into a wolf El... that was awesome" she smiles "yeah well looks like I owe you 20 bucks" the first thing she notices is that her senses are more in tune, everything seems sharper, brighter. "wow"

Tyler looks at her "What is it El?" she smiles "I just never noticed how beautiful this scenery is" he laughs "so you're an actual werewolf?" she laughs "yeah apparently... no clue how that happened or anything but from what I gathered it's inherited so either my mother was one, or our dad is one, you can't tell anyone about this Ty"

He nods wrapping an arm around her shoulders "of course, not El, now let's get you home" she smiles "thank you, Ty, for everything last night" he smiles at her "you're my little sister now El and you were scared and I wasn't gonna leave you to go through that alone"

She smiles "well thank you anyway and I'm only 9 days. younger than you Ty, that's it 9 days" he smirks "you're still younger than me though El even if it is only nine days"

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