ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖: 𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕄𝕖

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Elena walked into the kitchen seeing her Aunt and sister who both had coffee cups in their hands "Jenna! Are you aware of what's going on upstairs?" her aunt nods "Uh-huh."

"And you have no objection?" Aurelia rolls her eyes at her sister being judgemental, personally, she doesn't care as long as her little brother is happy.

"He could be craftier about it, at least make an effort to sneak her in and out. Oh, and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner." Aurelia gives her aunt a teasing smile "Oh, so you're actually going to do it. You're gonna go out with Logan."

Jenna looks at the younger Gilbert "I'm going to show up and torture him, yes." then she turns to the older Gilbert "And have you heard from Stefan?" she shakes her head "Not since he left that very vague message three days ago. "Hi, um, Elena, I, um, have something I have to do. I'll, uh, explain in a few days."

Aurelia rolls her eyes at that knowing that Stefan is dealing with Damon and can't tell Elena about it because she doesn't know the truth about them.

"Haven't you called him?" Elena shakes her head "Nope. Not going to either."

Aurelia gets up shooting her aunt a teasing wink "have fun on your date, I'll see you later Caroline is picking me up in 10 minutes and I'm going over to Care's after school and sleeping over to help her get ready for the car wash tomorrow" Jenna rolls her eyes "I'm just going to torture him Aurelia and alright have fun" the girl smirks and winks at her again as she goes upstairs taking them two at a time, so she can finish getting ready for school.

10 minutes later there is a car horn outside and Aurelia grabs her stuff and heads out she smiles climbing into the car "Hey Care" the blonde smiles back "Hey El" the brunette looks over "how are you coping?"

"Better, now that you explained it to me" Aurelia smiles again "you remember what I told you?" the blonde nods "yeah pretend like I don't know what's really going on because you weren't supposed to tell me, you're still coming over after school right?" "yeah, I told Jenna this morning that I was sleeping over at your place"

They pull into the parking lot "good we have a ton of planning to do so tomorrow will be perfect, have you seen him anymore since the other night?" Aurelia shakes her head "no, the dreams don't happen every time I go to sleep, but we went to Disney World in my damn dream" the blonde grinned at her best friend "your dream guy took you to Disney World?"

Aurelia nods "yeah, I had talked about it in a previous dream then we went in the next one" the blonde smiles ever bigger "oh my god that is kinda cute, you wanted to go to Disney World and then he took you to Disney World"

They get out of the car and Aurelia smiles "it was kinda cute, to be honest... That's not it though he started calling me Sunshine in the last dream..... He said it's because my name means Golden, so he's calling me Sunshine now"

The blonde squeals as they walk towards the school "that is so cute he has a nickname for you that no one as has ever thought of to call you... I wish he was real because you, my friend deserve happiness and the fact that you're catching feelings for this guy and he's not even real" Aurelia's face flushes at her best friend's words.

'Well he is real but Care isn't ready for that bombshell yet but I'll tell her after the whole vampire thing sinks in more.'

They walk through the doors and Care looks at Aurelia talking about the car wash "The sexy suds car wash is tomorrow. The football team and the band have committed. Well, not all the band. Just the ones who could pull off the bikini. I want, in your face, sexy. I mean, it's a fundraiser, for God's sake."

Aurelia laughs "Yes ma'am in your face sexy it is Care-bear" the blonde smiles "thank you El" they walk over to Stefan and Elena and Caroline shoots a wink at Aurelia before she turns to Stefan "Stefan, Where is Damon? He has some serious apologizing to do." Stefan looks at the blonde "He's gone, Caroline"

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