𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕄𝕖 𝕋𝕠 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕟𝕖𝕪 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕?

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Aurelia smiles waking up in the 1994 version of her house. She walks downstairs and sees Kai already there. She smiles dropping down on the couch beside him "Hey" he turns to her "Hey Sunshine"

Aurelia laughs "Sunshine?"

Kai shrugs "well your name means golden so I'm calling you sunshine" Aurelia smiles "now I need a nickname for you.... that you haven't been called, give me some time and I'll figure it out anyway I've had an eventful night and earlier tonight I had this weird feeling wash over me, it was like a rush of power or something... nothing happened but it was weird I got really angry, it just rolled over me and then it was gone.... seriously though nothing happened when it came over me"

Kai looks at her curiously "what happened leading up to it?" Aurelia sighs "well I was talking to Damon telling him to leave Caroline alone and then he was being all arrogant and smug and I just wanted to smash something into his head so I turned around to walk away and I was pissed off then it just washed over me and then it was gone"

"Hmm that's interesting it almost sounds like magic the way you described it washing over you like that" Aurelia shakes her head "but I'm not a witch... I'm just little human me" Kai shrugs "I don't know Sunshine but we'll figure it out... now we have a lot on the agenda today and very little time to do it on so come on" then he pulls her out of the house and to one of the cars getting into the driver's seat.

Aurelia climbs into the passenger side "where are we going?" hr just smirks at her "that's a surprise" Aurelia rolls her eyes "fine... I'll play along.... but if this is a road trip somewhere you better be prepared belting out the words to songs on the radio"

Kai smirks at her "I'm sure I can handle it sunshine"

True to her word she ended up belting out the words to every song that she knew which to Kai's surprise was quite a lot. After a while Kai pulled the car over and turned to Aurelia "now to keep the surprise... a surprise I'm gonna need you to put this blindfold on.... we're almost there so it won't be on but maybe 10 minutes at the most"

Aurelia gives him a look "seriously?" he nods "fraid so sunshine" she rolls her eyes "you know if this was a horror movie you be blindfolding to murder me?" Kai laughs "but this isn't a horror movie and I'm not taking you somewhere to murder you.... just btw if I wanted to murder you I'd have done it by now"

Aurelia sticks her tongue out at him "fine.... give it here" he hands the blindfold over to her and Aurelia put it on. About 10 minutes later the car comes to a stop and Kai smiles at her while she can't see him smile "we're here... so now I am going to come around and help you out of the car and in a few minutes you can take the blindfold off."


Kai gets out of the car and walks around to the passenger side and opens the door and helps Aurelia out of the car he closes the door and grabs her arm leading her the way they are supposed to be going and a few minutes later they come to a stop.

"Okay now you can take the blindfold off"

Aurelia takes it off and sees where they are she turns to Kai tears actually welling up in her eyes "you actually brought me to Disney World?" he nods "yeah you seemed like you really wanted to come so here we are" She smiles at him not hesitating to pull him into a hug, he freezes up for a second but he slowly hugs her back.... after all, there haven't been many people would have willingly hugged him.

After a minute Aurelia pulls away "I am so sorry, I-" he cuts her off "it's okay Sunshine" she grins at him "well then we're at Disney World so let's go and have some fun" she grabs his arm and pulls him along with her.

By the time they headed back to the car Aurelia had the time of her life, she looked over at Kai "wow who knew you could have so much fun at an amusement park with just two people? You got the camera right?" Kai laughs "Yes sunshine I got the camera" Aurelia grins "but how are we gonna get the pictures printed?" he shrugs "I don't know.... but we'll figure it out sunshine"

They just passed the welcome to Mystic Falls sign when Aurelia woke up to her best friend shaking her "El?" she rubs her eyes "Hey Care you fell asleep last night before we could talk"

Caroline smiled at her "I was exhausted, you promised you'd tell me what you knew"

Aurelia nods "and I will right now, I found out Friday night, Damon is a vampire, he's the one that killed Mr. Tanner I was there when it happened and then Stefan told me everything and Damon was feeding on you and compelling you that why you were wearing the scarves to hide the bite marks he was leaving on you, the necklace I gave you last night has vervain in it which prevents him from compelling you anymore but you don't have to worry about him anymore Stefan did something with him last night, he can't hurt you anymore" she holds up her wrist to show Caroline her bracelet "I have a vervain bracelet that"

Caroline looks at her wide-eyed "a vampire?" Aurelia nods "yeah Care he's a vampire and you can't tell anyone about this" she breathes out "okay.... why not?" Aurelia looks at her impressed "you're taking this rather well and I wasn't supposed to tell you but as your best friend we don't keep secrets" Caroline chuckles at her "I'm freaking out on the inside El and fair enough.... so tell me more about your dream guy" Aurelia shakes her head "changing the subject?" Caroline nods "please?"

Aurelia smiles "okay so his name is Kai Parker and I showed you what he looked like but" she pulls out her sketchbook and flips to a different sketch than the other two that she's shown her this one is another one where his eyes are shaded in and shows her sketch she spent 4 hours on the other night and shows it to her. Caroline "oh my god you those eyes again damn" Aurelia smiles "that still doesn't do how gorgeous his eyes are justice like they are so pretty"

Caroline smiles "oh my god.... you're catching feelings for a guy in your dreams" Aurelia bites her lip her face heating up "I can't help it Care... I've literally only seen him four times but in the dream, it's like hours and it's not fair because like even if he was real he wouldn't go for me, and not to mention he's older than me he's 22"

Caroline rolls her eyes "El! you are gorgeous okay? he'd be crazy not to be into you and age doesn't matter all that much it's only 6 years, plus he's just your dream guy so that doesn't really matter because if it happens in a dream then who has to know well beside me obviously"

Aurelia chuckles 'she's not ready to know that he actually is real yet I mean I just told her about vampires let's let that soak in for a while before dropping anything else on her'

Dreamer {Kai Parker}Where stories live. Discover now