ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥: 𝟙𝟞𝟚 ℂ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕤

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Aurelia smiles over at her newfound older brother "thanks for driving me home Ty" the boy smiles back at her "you're welcome El"

She gets out of his car and walks into her house going straight to her room so she can shower then she is going to call Caroline and tell her all about what happened the night before.

After she gets out of the shower and gets dressed she falls back on her bed dialing Caroline's number, the blonde picks up after the second ring "oh my god El... what happened you disappeared last night"

she sighs "it's been a long night Care... so you remember that thing I told you about that I did?"

The blonde answered immediately "Yeah, of course, you said you wanted to tell me but couldn't until things died down" the brunette blows out a breath "well I'm gonna tell you about it now but you can't tell anybody Care.. okay promise me you won't say anything."

"Of course El... promise it stays between you and me."

El bites her lip "I killed someone Care.... it was like I blacked out with rage and then it happened and then I snapped out of it and turns out... I'm a freaking werewolf, oh and Richard Lockwood is biologically my father."

The blonde sounds surprised "Wait? What? So that's the bad thing that you did? Just tell me what happened okay? So you're actually a Lockwood?"

Aurelia sighs again "Okay so you know the thing that happened with Vicki well she ran off and I went out with Stefan to help find her and this guy I won't name him at the moment but he had hurt someone that I care about and he was trying to kill Stefan and I got really angry... I had never felt that kinda anger before, that's the part where I blacked out and the next thing I knew he was dead and I had his gun in my hand, and yeah apparently Tyler and I overheard Richard and Jenna on the phone yesterday after school when he drove me home and helped me put the finishing touches on my costume for the Halloween carnival"

"Awwh El I'm sorry, you should have told me before so I could have made sure you were okay... I mean I know I've never killed anyone but I do know that something like that can be a tough thing to push down and if I had known about the werewolf thing I wouldn't have left you alone last night"

Aurelia smiles at her best friend's concern "it's okay Care I've come to terms with what I did... I regret ending a man's life but I can't take it back now and I wasn't alone last night Tyler was with me he saw me leave the carnival and followed me to make sure that I was okay"

The blonde grins teasingly even though the brunette can't see her face "soooooo does a certain blue-eyed hottie have something to do with helping you come to terms with it? And good I'm glad you didn't have to go through that alone.

The brunette rolls her eyes but can't help but smile "maybe..... maybe not" Caroline snorts that teasing grin still on her face "of course he did..... I don't know why I even asked I should have already known the answer to that"

Aurelia laughs "shut up" there is a knock on her door "I'll call you back in a little bit okay Care?" The blonde nods "of course"

Then Jenna walks into the room "Hey El... I didn't see you come in last night?" The brunette smiles "yeah sorry aunt Jenna I forgot to mention that I was sleeping over at Caroline's after the carnival last night ... I'll be sure to remember to tell you next time"

The woman nods "okay I was just checking on you"

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Aurelia was just chilling on her bed a million thoughts running through her head when her [hone broke her out of her thoughts "Care what's up?" the blonde blew out a breath "Damon tried to compel me again and with him not knowing that I know the truth I had to pretend that it worked and he wants me to throw a party for Stefan tonight at the grill.... when I asked why he said he was gonna solve the vampire problem in this town"

Aurelia rolls her eyes "well then Carebear do what you do best and throw a party and if Damon thinks he can keep trying to compel you well then I'll just melt his brain... I'm a witch too, don't know if I mentioned that before? but I've been training with Shelia and I'm getting pretty good at using magic"

The blonde laughs "okay then El let's throw a party... come over and help me with the planning?"

"Of course Carebear but I'm raiding your closet for an outfit to wear to our party" Caroline laughs "wouldn't have it any other way El... I'll see you in a few?"

"I'll be there in 10" they hang up and Aurelia gets up and throws some things in a bag and heads downstairs, she sees her aunt and smiles "I'm heading over to Caroline's she needs my help with planning something tonight"

Jenna nods at the girl "Alright have fun and let me known if you are gonna sleepover at her house again?" Aurelia nods "got it, aunt Jenna" then the brunette walks out of the house and to her car.

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Later that night the blonde and brunette walked into the grill seeing the party that they planned in full swing and Caroline winked at Aurelia walking up to Damon with Aurelia close behind her but not enough to be noticed by the vampire.

"Amazing party right?" Damon looks at the blonde "Glad you thought of it." Aurelia smirks rather impressed with her best friend's acting abilities "Well, are you having a good time?" "Do you have my crystal?" Caroline shakes her head "No." Damon gives her a look "Then I'm not having a good time." then he walks away from her and Aurelia walks up beside the blonde with a smirk still on her face "damn Care"

The blonde grins at her as they get themselves a drink.

All in all, Aurelia thought their party was a success well minus Damon killing Lexi who turned out to be Stefan's best and oldest friend but other than that she thought it went really well and decided that she was gonna go home after the excitement died down.

So here she is getting ready to go to bed hoping that maybe she'll get to see Kai. 

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