A New Begining

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At the Noceda household, the four teens from the Boiling Isles(Amity, Willow, Gus, and Hunter) alongside the Basilisk Vee, were sitting in front of the TV watching something. When suddenly the door opened and Luz Noceda walked in. The Human teen signed in relief, "Finally out of school for the day." She walked over to the group and sat her book bag down, "It's nowhere near as fun as Hexside."

Sitting on the couch, Amity gave her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek and asked, "Better?"

Luz gave a smile, "Better. So what have you all been up to?"

Gus answered with a shrug, "Not much. Our attempts to research ways to make portals to other worlds didn't get much results, so we decided to take a break to watch some Human shows to get a better understanding of the culture."

Vee added, "I've been introducing them to some of the shows you like Luz, including some of those, ani-may I believe you called them."

Luz turned to her surrogate sister and replied, "That's cool."

Willow threw in her two cents, "They're very interesting if a little weird in places."

Hunter was fidgeting a little in his seat, before he shot up with a sign, "I wish we could do more than just sit here!"

The rest of the group looked concerned, with Willow getting up and putting a comforting hand on Hunter's shoulder as she said, "We know. We all wish we could do more than stay in the house most of the day, but you remember what Mrs. Noceda told us?"

Hunter just signed again, "We have to stay inside on school days because if people see kids outside of school on those days they may call those truant officer people and that will cause unwanted attention."

As the group began to look down, Luz flicked her fingers as she suggested, "Well, schools out now so maybe we could go out and I could show you guys around town a bit." The rest of the group looked interested and nodded their heads, "Great." Luz turned to Vee, "You can come to, Vee."

Vee looked a little concerned, "But what if my friends see both of us? How do we explain two of us."

Putting her hand to her chin, Luz thought for a moment before suggesting, "Will just say I'm a cousin visiting to see my friends and girlfriend here." She pointed to her friends and girlfriend on that last point.

Nodding her head, Vee agreed, "All right. I guess that could work." The Basilisk shape-shifted into Luz.

Smiling, Luz took out her phone, "I'll just text mom real quick to tell her what's going on then we can go." Looking at her friends and girlfriend, "After we get some stuff to cover up you're ears."

The quartet of teens from the Boiling Isles looked at their pointy ears and relaxation set in.

Later the group of six had left the house and were walking in the park. The four from the Boiling Isles each had something to cover up their pointy ears; Amity had ear muffs, Willow a bandana, Gus a headband, and Hunter a hat. Luz had also put on Eda's old Grugby jacket. They soon entered the local mall, with their four Palismens(Ghost, Clover, Emmiline Bailey Marcostimo(Emmiline for short), and Flapjack) waiting outside since Luz had informed the group that animals aren't allowed in the mall.

Luz extended her arms out and dramatically said, "Welcome to the mall! The home away from home for many teens."

The four who had not seen much of the Human Realm were in awww. Amity was the first to comment, "Whoo. This place is so much bigger than the market."

Gus added with some glee, "And cooler too." He rushed over to the escalator, "Look at these moving stairs." He turned to Luz, "Are you sure you guys don't have magic?"

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